As I was leaving the nursing home tonight, I stopped and sat on - TopicsExpress


As I was leaving the nursing home tonight, I stopped and sat on the porch and talked to a fella in a wheelchair while he smoked a few cigarettes. Probably had the best discussion with this man about the Love of Christ that I have ever had with anyone. In fact, He did most of the talking. I never once beat him over the head with a Bible, told him that he was in the wrong for smoking, or that he needed to watch his language. Instead, I just listened and Loved him. At the end of the conversation, he said, Preacher, I like you. Thanks for listening to me and not beating me up. I know I do some wrong stuff, and I need to stop. Ive never felt like I was good enough or fit in at a church, but I think Ill be coming to your church in a couple of months when I leave here. Above all things, Ive come to understand that people just want to be Loved. If we genuinely Love people, and are willing to be vessels--God will do the rest. Sometimes presenting the Gospel of Christ is most effective with our hearts and ears than our mouths....
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:33:39 +0000

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