Protest Mars Peace Celebrations Tuesday, 20 August 2013 00:00 By - TopicsExpress


Protest Mars Peace Celebrations Tuesday, 20 August 2013 00:00 By Ben P. Wesee E-mail Print PDF TRANSLATE TRANSLATE It was an embarrassing moment for the government and the country at large as group of individuals predominantly youths stormed the grounds of the Centennial Memorial Pavilion in protest on Monday, while celebrations marking 10 years of peace here were ongoing. The group about 30 persons gathered before the Pavilion on Ashmun Street with their placards, reading “Ellen, our people are living in abject poverty”; “This is not peace, but the guns are silent”; and “We are tired with your administration”, among others. Under the banner “Noisy Majority”, the protestors claimed they are the masses that have been forgotten by the Sirleaf-led administration. The spokesman for the group, Julius T. Jaesen said its members represent students, retired officers of the defunct Armed Forces of Liberia, (AFL), downsized civil servants and marketers, whose selling places were destroyed by the government. He narrated that due to bad governance introduced by the government; those individuals cannot cater to their respective families. Julius told reporters and bystanders that there is no reason for celebrations on grounds that the government has forgotten the past and is gradually taking a path that could lead to another serious mess. He maintained that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf had once criticized her predecessors for governance and corruption, but is now master of bad governance and rampant corruption. He pointed out that the government is not only engulfed in corruption and nepotism, but is also practicing autocracy. According to him, the President has given powers to her sons and family members, noting “Things she criticized other governments of doing and how the youths of Liberia are left with no jobs, and in a modern world, people in Liberia still survive on less than one United States dollar a day”. “We have come to let the whole country and international guests know that we are still suffering and fighting civic war, nepotism and corruption are on the increase our country,” Julius concluded.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:39:47 +0000

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