As an American I find this video a most compelling cause to get - TopicsExpress


As an American I find this video a most compelling cause to get rid of many of the police officers that need not be on any police force,security detail or patrol at any time unless there is a threat to their to themselves. It is an appalling and despicable showing of inimical racism by white police officers. You dont have to be a minority or people of color to be discriminated against in this country by police officers now. You dont have to be poor or disadvantaged and homeless or unemployed to be accosted by the police if you are being as much of a law abiding citizen as you possibly can to be treated like a hard core criminal or someone suspected of committing a criminal offense. You can get chocked,shot and/or tasered and arrested by several police officers without any resistance or the assumption of guilt. Just as awful to watch as this was it was well worth watching how one police officer can make you wonder why you trust them. It is a veterans worse nightmare to feel this vulnerable at the ready to be victimized by such violent response to police polarization practices. That man should never be allowed to be considered qualified to provide any law enforcement practice or procedures. Any and all citizens are in their right to to respect those they can trust and trust those that they can respect. Police officers should be hired to provide protection to have that right. Those that violate any law should be held accountable as well as any civilian,and should be given punishment that is justified for their criminal act. If we are to go on living our lives without fear of terrorism or terrorist attacks because we have law enforcement and homeland security and military protocol but come to see this being played out in clear view of other citizens/witnesses watching this police take down,would you dare trust him and the police department he works for giving you and your family any thoughts of feeling safe? We need police reforms to get citizen reforms to work. We want justice and we want it NOW.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:08:47 +0000

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