As i share this article, i also share the words of my dear fb - TopicsExpress


As i share this article, i also share the words of my dear fb friend, Harriet: OMG, have I met a few of THESE! Some are out and out, dishonest, money-grabbing phoneys. Some are genuine people, but sadly misguided - they want so desperately to be enlightened that they fool themselves into believing that they are, and suck in vulnerable people on the way. BOTH need to be avoided! Beware anyone who sets themselves up as a Guru and professes to know it all. They DONT. If they did, theyd know that they know very little! This is why I have, for years, until very recently, avoided teaching Reiki to anyone. I am NOT a Guru. I am not an Enlightened Master. Splutter! I do NOT know it all. And neither does anyone else. A lot of people just think they do. I hate the idea of setting myself up as someone who has all the answers, because I dont. And neither does anyone else. Its all too important for this ego trip stuff! My advice is: the more someone professes to be more enlightened than you, the more I would treat what they have to say with an exceeding large grain of salt. Here endeth the lesson. Not knowing everything, and not being an enlightened Guru, I could, of course, be wrong. But, in this case, I seriously doubt it! Thank you, Harriet, You nailed it!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 18:21:15 +0000

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