As many of you know, I am in the Construction business here in - TopicsExpress


As many of you know, I am in the Construction business here in Arizona. I worked for 10 years with Speedy Gonzalez Construction as their head Estimator. It was a standing joke that I was their Token White. At times, out of 150+ personnel, I was the only white. They didnt hire Illegals because they figured they were a target with that name. Most of them spoke very little English so I had to learn Spanish. While I admit they are hard workers, I have noticed the ones who came here legally, RESENT the kind of Crap Obama is pulling. They are saying, Hey, Ive been standing in line paying my money, playing by the rules and now these jerks are cutting in line?? Most of those are incensed by Obama and know he is just playing them for suckers, for votes. They are not stupid people! Just like in this Country, we have idiots who voted for Obama. On the Mexican side you have the same kind of divide. You have the Idiots who are scamming the system and you have those who have the same values as we do. When you work with A LOT of these people on a daily basis, it is easier to understand the issue. There are almost as many Mexicans mad at Obama, as are rooting for him. Obama has done himself NO FAVOR by pulling this stunt. That is just the Mexican point of view. He made no friends on the Republican or Democrat side. The ones who kiss his ass on Democrat side, are always with him but there are many on the Democrats who know that when THEIR election comes up next time, they are in deep do-do! Like with Obamacare, I know of NO Republicans who are going along with this Amnesty program. Last night you saw his Soft, Cuddly, Nice Guy Side, of Obama... today in Las Vegas, he got Political and really transparent. The game is a long way from over. Personally, I think Obama had another Net Loss! I think he is headed to the low 30s! That is where I place it! Well see where it winds up! By Wyatt Goodwin
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:12:45 +0000

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