As most of our regular customers know i am constantly looking for - TopicsExpress


As most of our regular customers know i am constantly looking for alternative ways to improve the health and wellbeing of myself and my animals. I only like to take antibiotics if it is absolutely essential and I will try a herb before a medicine, if my condition is not serious. This is my choice and something that was passed down through generations in my family. My grandmother took a spoonful of Turmeric every day sprinkled in natural yoghurt and never had a bone creak, my grandfather thought she was insane and refused to join her in her and he could hardly walk with arthritis ridden bones when he died. Was she it really nonsense like my grandfather said or was she lucky? I dont know but I would like to think she knew what she was doing as research tells you Turmeric is used as an anti-inflammatory for people suffering from arthritis, joint pain, clear the skin, muscle pain & many other benefits. It also aids in digestion, works as an anti-parasitic, and anti-bacterial. I think we all want to stay younger and healthier longer. Whether it is an holistic alternatives to medicine or food changes to overcome health issues. I believe conventional medicine is a must but alternative therapies offer many solutions to problems. What to feed your pets daily.....Dog and cats are meant to eat biologically appropriate food that is meat or fish. Most people dont have time or the inclination to daily cook up chicken or beef or poach a fish. I wanted to give my dog the closest thing I could find to natures best without having to shop and cook and spend time every day preparing so I feed my dog and cat Acana pet food. ACANA PET FOODS make Biologically Appropriate™ pet foods from Fresh Regional Ingredients. The company philosophy represents a new class of pet foods, designed to nourish dogs and cats in keeping with their evolutionary adaptation to meat and protein rich diets. Made from Canada’s best and freshest ingredients exclusively in their award-winning kitchens in Alberta, Canada – ACANA is guaranteed to keep your dog or cat happy, healthy and strong. After much research we decided at the clinic to try this food to see if feeding this diet really could make a difference. We have seen a massive difference with our dogs suffering with food allergies i.e. itchy, inflamed skin or excess hair shedding. Our diabetic animals have improved as the food contains no grains or carbohydrates that turn to sugar on digestion. Please be advised as with any pet food changes and especially this pet food you must change slowly as the high quality protein and fruit and veg content if changed too fast will result in tummy upset and a lot of wind!!!! I changed Tara too fast and the result was a very smelly house and a very rumbly tum so I had to go back to her original diet for a few weeks and start over, so please learn from my experience. I advise you change over a month, slowly reducing the amount of your current food until you are feeding this food only. Ask at reception about the best way to change from your current food to this food. I invite you to take a few minutes to look at their website acana/. If you would like any further information contact the clinic or if you would like to speak to the representative of this food he visits our clinic once a week and will answer all of your questions. Julie
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:46:45 +0000

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