As most of you know I have taken on a new venture in life of a - TopicsExpress


As most of you know I have taken on a new venture in life of a journey to being and living healthy! While I work on this for myself and my family, I LOVE to help others as well!! Here are some testimonials from my last challenge group that I want to share with you guys!! Do you need the extra push, accountability, direction what to do exercise or eating?? Then this could be the best thing for you!! LIKE, comment below or message me for more details!! I have a couple different options going right now depending how dedicated you want to be!! Dont miss this opportunity!! Why not start now?! I feel so much healthier! In fact I had a Dr. Appointment last week and I had lost 8 pounds!,I have to go back in 3 months and I am going to lose 15 more!! I love the taste of shakeology and I do have more energy!! I have so much more energy. Except for the natural sugars and sodium I have basically given those up and dont crave them anymore. I have lost 10lbs 3in from my waist 1in from my hips. Want to lose at least 5 more pounds by July 12... Dress alterations. Then I want to maintain until October and then back at it hard to lose a little more. Shakeology makes me have breakfast and I think it helps with sweets cravings. Keeps me fuller longer. I love the accountability and support that this group gives. It has made me workout and if I dont or want to skip I am irritated with myself. I have lost 5lbs, gained more muscle and feel better in most of my clothes. Shakeology has stopped my cravings for sweets and soda. I love the accountability of the group & I love the early morning ppl that workout so when I get up & see my notifications that theyve already completed their workout for the day I wanna get up & get mine done too! I love shakeology, its like my treat & cool down after I workout! I went to breakfast w a friend yesterday so i didnt have my shake after my workout & it was weird, I didnt like it! I wanted my shake instead haha! I think it does help curb cravings too. I had a soda for the first time last week since I had started this & I was like bleh not as good as I remembered! I can wear pants now that I couldnt before I started this in may & have lost 14 pounds & feel a little bit more comfortable with my body post baby #2 but still want to continue to tone up I have lost 26 pounds since I started this in January 6th!! Love the groups and the accountability!! Shakeology is great and is very filling!! I love this I have lost 10 lbs in 9 weeks and look forward to shake after each workout. Love the groups and everyones encouragement and that is what keeps me going since I hate working out.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:47:40 +0000

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