As #temperatures soar across the state, we urge you to look out - TopicsExpress


As #temperatures soar across the state, we urge you to look out for those living with or caring for somebody with #dementia. Often, people with dementia don’t have an understanding of how hot they actually are and so their judgement about their own wellbeing can be vague. They may either over drink, or forget to drink altogether meaning they run the risk of suffering from dehydration. People living with dementia may forget to take measures to remain cool and may not dress appropriately – for instance, they may wear lots of layers despite the high temperatures. At this time of year there is a tendency for families to share the caring. If, for instance, a primary carer goes away on holiday this might mean the person living with dementia finding themselves in an unfamiliar environment and thus their thinking can become compromised. Some tips from Alzheimer’s Australia Vic include: 1. constantly offering fluids or frozen juices; 2. encouraging cool showers, cool face washes and lots of rest; 3. keeping the person living with dementia cool and calm utilising such things as familiar music and favourite television shows; 4. look out for your neighbours by keeping their eyes open for any behaviours of concern.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 04:10:18 +0000

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