As the year 2014 draws to an end, we take a Minute to pause and - TopicsExpress


As the year 2014 draws to an end, we take a Minute to pause and reflect on the events of the ending year. It is a most eventful one for we Muslims and most challenging in my opinion. It is a year that to various degrees, at some point, all of us have asked why?. Weve questioned ourselves, weve questioned others and I wont be surprised if some have questioned Allah as well. I have found myself saying in my mind O Lord, why do you permit this to happen? You could have never permitted it if you so wish. I even wrote a post (on my wall) wondering what Allah must be thinking of us now when He remembers when the angels tried to caution Him against creating humans as we will only transgress and shed blood on the earth. But we know what? Allah without an iota of doubt knows all things. He must have His reasons for allowing all what we have witnessed so far to happen. Muslims have been more challenged than ever, in the last week alone, two different people on separate on occasions challenged me. One said but these terrorists rely on portions of the Quran to back what they do and the second person said then why dont Muslims condemn what they do? when I said what terrorists do are not in line with Islam. Where will we condemn what they do? At the workplace? Anyway, at this point, we give sincere gratitude to Allah. I know some will say, we are not celebrating Christmas, and its also not the end of the Hijra calendar. Yes, you are right but then is 2014 not coming to an end? Are we not about to enter a new year which whether our sect subscribes to or not, we have to reckon with? That is why we take stock and reflect. We thank Almighty Allah for His protection on each of our members and our loved ones. We give gratitude that we did not report any personal mourning in this Group. We thank Allah for all our fulfillment and accomplishments of the ending year. We thank Allah for every favor of each second of the year going by. We all acknowledge that He serves us out of His love that even surpasses that which our mothers have for us, subuhanallah. We commit every member into His hands and care as we move into the new year Even though He has His reasons for allowing everything to happen, He says adihuni, astajibulakun we will keep asking Him what we desire. We wish for violence to end, we wish for bloodshed to end, we wish for killing using Islam as a cover to end, we wish for killing under any guise to end He says ask, we have done our part by asking. We remember all those that are affected by violent groups this year, be it Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey etc, we pray that Allah forgives their dead and consoles the living. We will never stop praying that Allah touches the heart of these people to realize the evil and wickedness in their acts and the sorrow they cause their fellow humans. Last but not the least, we have never protected or shielded Islam, walahi talahi, considering what this religion has been subjected to since the day the Prophet pronounced his message from Allah, only Allah Himself has preserved this religion, thats been over 1400 years now and Al Islam is standing even stronger. We pray He continues to preserve it and touch every heart with the truth and the light therein. I appreciate every member of MUAV. MUAV is so young(still less than six months old) but you cant even scroll down to the bottom of our page without your fingers hurting. Our posts are treasures, knowledge worth holding on to forever. In addition to the fact that posterity will testify that you and I , in the way we know how, enjoined others to eschew violence and do good to one another. I appreciate your posts, comments and even the couple of calls I had commending or challenging me on some of my views and posts. Thats what makes it known that we are making an impact. May Allah grant our wishes, accept our prayers and our actions as Ibadah however little they may be Heres to a peaceful and violent-free 2015. Love you all. Ma Salam.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 11:00:26 +0000

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