As we see these posts on our social media pages, let us stop and - TopicsExpress


As we see these posts on our social media pages, let us stop and think just for a minute... We are called to spread Gods word and lead others to Him. While we each do our part in attending church, do we really work at spreading His word? When we see a post that contains a post, verse or message and we take that second to hit our like button, how many people does that reach. Very few, as I dont know about you, but rarely do I go to my friends page and see what they liked. But... If while we hit our like buttons, we ALSO hit our Share button, now all of our friends will have the chance to see what we like. Take a minute to think about how many people you have on your friends list...Just as an example, if our Life Group schedule and description is posted, and just 5 people shared it, and each of those 5 people have 200 friends that is 1000 people that this post could reach. If our page has 50-100 people following it, well you can do the math. We here at Solid Rock not only believe in trying to grow our own church, but we believe in leading people to Jesus. If something that I share on my page clicks with one of the people on my friends list and leads them to find out more about God, or to commit their lives to him... Well to me as a Christian, that is exciting! So are we just trying to ensure that we ourselves are saved, or are we trying to ensure all have the opportunity to be saved? I challenge each of you who read this to begin sharing certain posts that you think could, would or should affect anothers life and relationship with Christ. I am glad that each of you like what you read on our posts, imagine what can be done when we share! This can also give the opportunity for others to even ask you, what is Mighty Men about? or What exactly is G.R.O.W, even with the teens that follow our page hey can I go with you to Transformers? Social media can be a great tool, God has given certain people the knowledge to create it, and a good portion of us the means in which to use it. Mark 16:15 (NLT) And then He told them, Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:02:07 +0000

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