As we sit here on Facebook, our country is falling apart at the - TopicsExpress


As we sit here on Facebook, our country is falling apart at the seams, and its not just the government. There are people just like us sitting here on Facebook talking about Islam taking over schools while Christianity is booted out, children being taught revisionist history that eliminates the Christianity of the founding fathers, children being called purple penguins instead of girls and boys, city councils banning feeding of homeless, and what are we doing about it? Were sitting here on Facebook ranting about it while that garbage is going on right down the street from us. GET OFF YOUR DUFF and go to Michaels and buy some posterboard and markers and make yourself a sign. Wrap up in your coat and grab your umbrella and your sign and go down the street and tell the ubiquitous them face to face that youre not going to take it in YOUR community. For goodness sake, people. NOBODY is going to do it if WE dont. If YOU dont.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:53:05 +0000

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