As your children’s coaches, we believe strongly in giving you - TopicsExpress


As your children’s coaches, we believe strongly in giving you knowledge and keeping you informed. Posting research based data is one of the ways we can do this. Today we would like to share with you research on Hormones and Overtraining. We hope this is useful to you and something that you may be able to pass on to someone else. Feel free to share this if you think it will help others. Overtraining and Hormones. When we stress an organism our bodies adapt to that specific stressor(training). A stressor such as lifting weights will cause an adaptation to the muscle resulting to an increase strength. However, if the stressor is not removed the organism will go into exhaustion, breakdown, and ultimately fail if the stressor is not removed. This is partially caused by the hormones released while training. When we train, our body releases catabolic and anabolic hormones. Catabolic hormones breakdown the muscle tissue and then the anabolic hormones come in and rebuild the muscle. At first, both of these hormones are released at high levels. Causing very good adaptations or gains. If we do not remove or change the stressor (training), the body continues to release high levels of the catabolic hormones but the levels of anabolic hormones are drastically reduced. So the tissue continues to breakdown and it does not heal. Eventually the body becomes highly susceptible to injury. The athlete will lose functional movement ability, becomes slower, and injuries start to occur. We take this research very SERIOUSLY! Some of the things we do to protect your children and keep this from happening to them are: We monitor your children constantly through testing. We change our training to cause different types of stressors. We periodize our training focusing on different stressors - ie. Strength, Power, Neuro, Speed etc. We allow for recovery. We teach research proven recovery protocols We inform your children of the proper nutrition needed for faster recovery and optimal adaptations. We also focus a lot on specificity. All organism are not the same. They adapt at different speeds and in different ways. KNOWING the athlete allows us to monitor and change training protocols if we need too. As parents, you are your children’s greatest advocate. Please monitor them. Talk to them. Look for low energy, limited functional movement and increased injuries. If you become concerned, communicate with the coaches. A good coach should have some answers for you and should be able to develop a plan to help your child be healthy and perform at their optimal levels. Your children DESERVE this and should expect nothing less. Thank you for trusting us with your children. We do not take it for granted!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:12:30 +0000

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