Ascension - Pericardium ‘Heart protector’ Pericardium ‘the - TopicsExpress


Ascension - Pericardium ‘Heart protector’ Pericardium ‘the membranous sac enclosing the heart’ One of the body’s perfect gifts and not used in many life times is the additional function of the pericardium. This internal sensory system and master organ when activated is like sleeping beauty waking up to the on-going changes to the physical body and the outer world. The pericardium is awakening to its true electrical-magnetic function. It is the ‘Torus Tube’ and it is the matrix of our spirit’s identity charged with Divine intelligence. The Pericardium is an invitation to transform into a ‘trans-personal’ person. We begin life as a survival-motivated being, as represented by the first four Primary Channels: the Lungs/Large Intestine and Stomach/Spleen. We need to be able to breathe, eat-digest, have immunity and the capacity to rebuild our bodies through sleep. Once we are ‘self-surviving,’ we can engage in exploration of the world via the Heart/Small Intestine and how it relates to our ‘self’ via the Bladder/Kidney. We go out into the world to gather information, experiences and impressions, and bring it all back into ourselves. From there, we begin to formulate our view of the world: what we like and dont like, who we think we are, as well as our world view. This occurs through the final four channels in the Primary Channel sequence: Pericardium/Triple Heater and Gallbladder/Liver. The Pericardium is a channel that helps maintain sanity. It is our ability to rationalize. Mental health is reliant upon healthy balance between the Heart and Kidneys: Fire and Water, which the Pericardium and Triple Heater represent. Fire and Water are a control cycle: a conflict in relationship to what we want and what the world expects of us. For many of us, our personalities become a solidification of who we think we must be to maintain a sense of social survival. We must harmonize between what the world demands of us and what we desire in a way that keeps us safe and sane. This is the role of the Pericardium and Triple Heater. The level of Pericardium can be a major event in the spiritual development of human consciousness. Like all the channels, the Pericardium has a dual nature. It can evolve into a state of extreme stubbornness: the inability to see beyond the rigid, judgmental view of the individual self; being trapped by our personalities. This can create an inability to interact with others at a ‘heart-level.’ It is natural for the Pericardium and Triple Heater to create a degree of individuality. Spiritual development occurs through this process, as described philosophically by the Hearts Primary Channel. As we develop, we create a sense of individual nature, aware of our own agenda in life. We begin to feel we must protect ourselves against others: their beliefs, wishes and actions. We reduce our world from being an ‘ocean’ of ‘Ultimate Possibilities’ to a smaller ‘sea,’ into Heart ‘Lesser Sea.’ We move away from ultimate possibilities and the ability to embrace all things. We start limiting ourselves to what we like and dont like what we believe and dont believe. We surround ourselves with people and circumstances that validate our view of the world. We begin to reject things that dont agree with our viewpoint. The world becomes smaller, and so do we. We journey from original oneness into individuality and separateness, through the difficulties of life as a ‘survival-motivated being’ into the spiritual awakening. According to Chinese medical scholar and Taoist priest Jeffrey Yuen, the Pericardium is a ‘bridge’ that allows ‘metamorphosis’ into the spiritual experience. He defines the ‘spiritual experience’ as where ‘the outer-directed, ego-struggling, survival-motivated person changes into a natural-directed person.’ The person is directed back ‘to the nature of his being.’ Whats created, says Yuen, is ‘a sense of spontaneity...the ego no longer has to be the component to struggle with. Now, the struggle is to maintain and sustain the integrity of the soul. Spirituality is not survival-motivated consciousness. It transcends the survival-motivated consciousness, into consciousness that is trans-personal-motivated: motivation to go beyond oneself. That which Yuen is describing is similar to teachings discussed by many ancient spiritual traditions, including Buddhism and various Native American Shamanistic traditions: the ability to go beyond the self, returning to a state of ‘oneness’ with all things. The ‘me verses. them’ separateness which can characterize pathology of the Pericardium transforms into an expanded state of consciousness: the ability to be an individual ‘me’ and also ‘all things.’ Within this state of being there is no conflict. This is the realm of unconditional love and acceptance. When the heart ‘opens,’ personalities remain (for ourselves and others), yet they no longer become a barrier to connection. We let go of our ‘baggage’ all the things weve accumulated and seen as our ‘self.’ We begin to see the world as something other than just form, allowing us to loosen our grip. We begin to see the world through a state of ‘luminosity,’ instead of through our egos. All of which makes sense, as the internal branch of the Hearts Primary Channel is said to travel into the eyes to effect the brain. We can learn to trust our own heart and take that quantum leap forward. Free your Pericardium, and open the door to your Heart.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:18:58 +0000

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