Assallamu Alleykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Message of the - TopicsExpress


Assallamu Alleykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Message of the khutbah; from masjid Jamii Nairobi Praise to Allah the most gracious the most merciful and peace and blessing be upon prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and followers until the resurrection day. The sheikh talked about the mightness of Allah and how He alone has the sole right to differentiate between the halaal and Haraam through his divine revelation.Whoever want to make such differentiation should therefore do through an extensive consultation with the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet PBUH. However, there are those of us who judge to an extent of inventing lies about Allah. Subahanallah! Allah SWT says: “And say not concerning that which your tongues put forth falsely: “This is lawful and this is forbidden,” so as to invent lies against Allaah. Verily, those who invent lies against Allaah will never prosper.” [al-Nahl 16:116]. In a hadeeth the prophet may peace of Allah be upon him said: “Whoever was given a fatwaa with no proof, his sin will go back on the one who gave him the fatwaa.” (Saheeh; narrated by Imaam Ahmad, 2/321) The swahabah used to say Allah knows when they are asked of issues they dont know. Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Abu Layla may Allaah have mercy upon him said: I have seen 120 companions may Allaah be pleased with them, if one of them is asked about an issue, he refers the questioner to another companion, and the second refers him to the third until gradually he comes back to the first one. In another narration: None of them is asked a question or was presented with a case or asked to give a ruling on a particular matter except that he wished that his other brother had taken over from him [responds in his place]. The tabeeen and the Salaf were also reported to have avoided giving fatwas of issues that they dont have no knowledge of. it was narrated that a man several kilometers to reach Imam Malik so as to get an answer for a fatwa. when he arrived, the imam simply told him that he does not know. The man was astonished and he said what will i tell the people i left behind? the imam replied tell them that the imam said he does not know What is the status of you to Imam Malik dear seeker of knowledge?? Please beware of giving fatwas on issues you dont know. shukran. see you next week pals.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:30:31 +0000

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