At only a few months of age, Jaiden began losing strength and his - TopicsExpress


At only a few months of age, Jaiden began losing strength and his normal progression had begun to reverse. He could hardly crawl when he should have been walking and his facial expressions werent normal. We knew there was a problem but it wasnt until he was four that he was diagosed with autism. He had many of the markers but even so we prayed for his healing. Jeana and Dan placed him in a special school and we began to see some improvement. Later on when Jaiden was nine, Tonda and I attended a Christian conference in Ft. Worth. After one of the sessions we went forward and met with one of the prayer partners and asked for healing for our grandson. The man asked what was wrong with him and we told him Jaiden has autism. I will never forget the statement he made immediately. He said, First of all, Jaiden does not have autism! Never use the words autistic or autism in reference to him again. He didn t explain but we knew what his point was. Never give Satan a single word to build on. We prayed. I began to look at my grandson in an entirely different light. I saw what a happy child he is. He runs and plays in his own way. Then at times he sits for long periods with his legs crossed and arms folded like a little man. He will look at things as though he is studying them and I just imagine he is taking in the Glory as God speaks to him. He will hug and kiss me and seems every other word out of his mouth is, Poopa. He now makes eye contact very well and has made great strides in his behavior. But the thing I notice more than anything else is his simplicity. Besides being one of the happiest people I have ever known he has a jubilant spirit. He loves life and being around his family. However, he never meets a stranger. I have seen him brighten the day for many people he doesnt even know. On his own, at twelve years of age, Jaiden is still not able to take care of himself and his needs. But ask him if it matters and he doesnt even know what the question means. He is at total rest, trusting his parents, grandparents and teachers to fill his needs. You see, I think Jaiden fully understands Grace. He knows whatever he needs will be supplied and be supplied without him even asking. He worries not about having something to eat, no concern for where he will sleep. He trusts inplicitly that all his needs will be met. He knows all this so well he doesnt even know that he knows. It is simply the way he lives. I sit at times and watch him and am amazed at what I see. I see joy, I see peace and I see happiness. I see the marked effects of Grace. We could learn some very important lessons from Jaiden. If we could just trust in Gods Grace our worries would become joys, our concerns would become encouragements and our lives would overflow with happiness. Life, true life, is destined to emerge when we bury the truth of Gods Grace so deep in our souls and know it so well we dont even know that we know. And by-the-way, Jaidens doctor just recently told our daughter, Jeana, Jaiden does not have autism. I know what he has. Jaiden has Grace! Pat Gowdy (from my new upcoming book, A SPRINGTIME OF GRACE)
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:41:53 +0000

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