At some point God will bring everyone of us to a place where - TopicsExpress


At some point God will bring everyone of us to a place where nothing is working like it used to, nothing is making sense anymore, everything seems to be coming up empty. This is exactly where God wants us, he is bringing us to an end of ourselves, he is showing us that we truly are helpless without him, and powerless without him. God is wanting to get our faith out of our boats, (churches, ministries, religion, organizations) and out of our nets, (tools, our mechanics, methods, programs) and out of our ability to preach or teach or witness and bring us back to the place where we won’t walk without Jesus, we won’t talk without Jesus, where we are totally dependent upon Him and His power. The problem is some people have become so used to doing things in their own strength, and wisdom, and ability that even when it doesn’t work and they can see that God is trying to get them to change, surrender and depend on Him, they will just trudge on anyway. Even though there’s no power, no anointing, no signs or wonders or miracles, they will just settle down into a life of weakness, and fruitlessness, and spiritual impotency and forfeit their destiny. All because the flesh doesn’t want to surrender to the Spirit of God, and let the Spirit take control. If we are going to launch out into the deep and experience the power of God, we must get Jesus back in the boat. Some people have gotten so busy with the work of the Lord, that they have forgotten the Lord of the work. If we are not careful we can be like the parents of Jesus and lose his presence in the clang and clatter of everyday life, and just take for granted that he is with us even though we haven’t talked with him for days. To Launch out into the deep we must not only have Jesus in the boat of our lives, we must hear what he is saying. Faith does not come simply by experiencing his presence because some of the most faithless people in the world experience his presence every Sunday and yet live the most discouraged and defeated lives through the week. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Then we must obey Him (the word). Not theorize, or scrutinize, or religionize. Just do it! When you do you will hit the miraculous. While we are reasoning, and questioning, and calculating, we are disqualifying ourselves for the miraculous. Jesus said (Launch out into the deep), and let down your nets for a draught. This is the realm of miracles, the is the realm of faith , You can’t see the bottom, you can’t touch the bottom, you can’t control it, it doesn’t make sense. The flesh fights this realm because the flesh wants to see where everything’s going, it wants to be in control, it wants to reason it all out, and qualify everything. Listen to the battle between flesh and spirit. We’ve toiled, all NIGHT long, and we’ve taken nothing. Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught. Ok, but just so you’ll know we told you so, it doesn’t make any sense, it’s not the way we’re used to, we’ve never done it that way before, that’s not the way daddy did it, or grandpaw did it. Nevertheless even though I don’t agree with it and even though it doesn’t make sense to me, and I don’t feel anything in it, I will let down the net. We must realize that self efforts, self wisdom and self ability, and all of our religious traditions and experiences, as spiritual as they seem to be, can never bring us to our destiny. God has ordained it to be so that only by a total denial and death to the self life, and complete dependence upon the Holy Spirit can we reach our destiny, because our destiny is in the realm of faith and the power of God. Just launch out and watch what happens!
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:38:37 +0000

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