At the Confidential we would like to take a moment and wish - TopicsExpress


At the Confidential we would like to take a moment and wish everyone a Happy New Year. 2015 Priories: 1.WATER ! We need a well - sooner rather than later. Latest news is that the well is not looking so good. Not enough water ? ? ? The test well failed and really there is no good spot for another.... we might have to dig TWO! At the BOD meeting the engineer was asked by Deb about how much would this cost....he mulled this over for a bit and replied around A million dollars or more. 2. TAXES ! Clearwood owes $120,000.00 in back taxes for water going back to 2004. Its important to note that Deborah Baker was in control and in power for most of that period. Deborah micromanages EVERYTHING. So any blame is laid right at her feet. Good news is that they cannot bill us directly, but DEB & BEN need to find a way to pay...probably from the contingency fund - Whats the contingency fund you ask? That is the money that is left over from the budget. Now mind you the BOD is only authorized to spend what we, the members, allow them. If there is any left over, legally - as per the attorney, should be given back to us. But Deb and Ben think that anything left over from our fees is fair game - placed in the contingency fund and spent at their discretion. 3. PROFESSIONALISM ! Clearwood deserves the best. We all work hard and should expect to come home to a BOD that not only understands the CC&Rs but enforces them fairly. We do not need a bunch of over sensitive preteen giggling girls who get their feelings hurt and their panties in a wad at the mention of anything coming close to criticism - otherwise known as negativity. God forbid you should question the actions of Deborah Baker and her tight small group of friends. We need professionals. period. Instead of this ad hoc, reactionary, knee jerk, near sighted bunch of ..... some of whom ran for the BOD simply to deny a seat to to others. We need young family oriented people who will stand up to DEB & BEN and tell them No More - Were mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore. People who would be willing to work from within to ensure that Clearwood has professional property management. There is a vacant seat on the BOD - the Confidential would like to see the BOD seat a young smart family person to fill the remainder of Tom Bies term- some one like Courtney Yeagar - but how much you want to bet they fill it with one of their old Friends of Clearwood aka the Baker Bunch? This is the Confidential, off the record, on the QT and still very much hush, hush....
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:27:22 +0000

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