At the moment the government does not work for us, we work for the - TopicsExpress


At the moment the government does not work for us, we work for the government, paying our taxes, obeying its laws, like good little citizens we are, being very compliant, just so it can spend billions on war, finance the banks with unlimited funds when they fail through their rapacious and reckless greed, fund the corporate elite through massive tax breaks and funding, keeping wages unnecessarily low for those at the bottom end, whilst making sure they themselves are kept in a champagne lifestyle, where even the most trivial thing is submitted as an expense, making sure their whole family is included in their greedfest... Until this scenario is switched back to the way it should be, the government working on our behalf, looking out for our best interest, making sure we are not shafted over every which way possible then this country is going to continue to become more and more and more unjust... It is time to start making M.P.s accountable about everything they are involved in, ask them what their stance is on all issues you read or hear about in the media, what they are doing about the political things you post about on Facebook and other social sharing sites, about the things which really matter.. It takes two minutes to send an e-mail to your local M.P., it is time to see where they stand, ask them how they are standing up for you, for your friends, for you family, the people who are supposed to count, ask them what they are actually doing, when they are going to do it, and if they are not doing anything, then ask them why not, get them to explain why they are not looking out for our best interest, why they are not doing more, after all, they get paid three times the national average wage, they get more than ample holidays each year and this is even before their massive expenses and heavily subsidised lives have been taken into account... The sad fact is that M.P.s have been allowed to coast for so long they have forgotten who they work for, that is US... It is time to remind them on a daily basis, let US take the power balance back to where it rightly should be... Please share this post then others can do the same, make e-mailing your M.P. part of your daily routine... Use the link below and happy mailing... Please always be polite and do not be fobbed off, keep asking till you get adequate answers to the serious issues we face... https://writetothem/
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 10:15:06 +0000

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