Atheists are always asking us (Theists) to provide evidence for - TopicsExpress


Atheists are always asking us (Theists) to provide evidence for Gods existence. But, i believe that before the Atheist asks that question we must know their criterion for evidence. I would like to debate this issue with an Atheist. please notice that i stated Atheist (singular) and not Atheists (plural). I am making that basic distinction because in most groups with Atheist, pack mentality exists. However the Theist cannot have a coherent discussion with four or ten Atheist saying different things in one thread. Hence the use of the word Atheist. (Singular). Therefore i am only willing to debate one Atheist for the end maintaining clarity, order, and coherence. So the issue is not about me being scared of debating mant Atheists. For i can. However i have noticed that whenever i enguage with many Atheists clarity and order diminishes and the discussion/debate descends to chaos and confusion. Many of the Atheists that cannot think like that because it conceals their inability to think. I have a few questions to ask for the end of starting the debate. They are as follows: What is evidence? And; What conditions must be satisfied before something is as admissible? Those questions pertain to evidence relative to the existence of God.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:17:33 +0000

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