Attached, photos of Police Officer Fausto Gomez and P.O. John - TopicsExpress


Attached, photos of Police Officer Fausto Gomez and P.O. John Chiodi; EMT Brendan Hernandez, Police Commissioner Kelly, EMT Jean Altidor, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg at Harlem Hospital Monday morning. Remarks of Commissioner Kelly: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. At about 4:55 this morning, the Department received a 911 call, initially as an assault-in-progress, at 117th Street and Lexington Avenue. The police officers who responded determined that the individual, who they located, was an emotionally disturbed person. The caller said that the individual had been throwing bottles and that in fact he had assaulted somebody in the street. As the Mayor identified, the two officers – Officer Fausto Gomez and Officer John Chiodi of the 25th Precinct – responded. The subject, Guiteau Idore, a male, 42 years of age, was handcuffed behind his back and taken in an ambulance with Officer Chiodi and Brandon Hernandez, the EMT, the person who was assigned to the ambulance. Officer Gomez followed in a marked patrol car. They were escorting him here to Harlem Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. On arrival here at the hospital, the officer began to remove the individual from the ambulance, and just as that happened, the subject tried to flee. Now, both the officers, Officers Chiodi and Gomez, grabbed onto him and were on either side of him as he walked up the he ramp. Then, as they reached the top of the ramp, the individual began to struggle again. Again, he was handcuffed - he was handcuffed behind his back. He managed somehow to remove Officer Chiodi’s service weapon and fire that weapon two times, striking Officer Gomez one time in his left foot, a graze wound. Emergency Medical Technician Brendan Hernandez quickly pulled the gun from Idore’s hand. He racked it, to make it safe, and he did an outstanding job. We understand that EMT Hernandez has aspirations of becoming a New York City Police Officer, and he certainly demonstrated that he has what it takes to do the job. Officer Gomez is in good condition. We believe he’s about to be released, as a matter of fact. Idore was removed to Metropolitan Hospital for psychiatric evaluation, and he has an extensive arrest history, including assault, menacing and numerous domestic violence incidents. Mr. Mayor?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 03:09:32 +0000

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