Attention everyone! This is your benevolent ADMIN speaking and - TopicsExpress


Attention everyone! This is your benevolent ADMIN speaking and I’ve got an announcement to make *queue dramatic music* OK, now that I have your attention and all joking aside, I have a request to all of you. As some of you might have noticed, I have been posting new episodes of the “Live Hunt! Podcast” every other week in this group, but I never really explained what’s up with these videos and I’m guessing that is why they are usually being ignored by the majority of users. These are not just some random videos, recorded with a potato, with awful voiceover (if any) and posted by some random group user. This is a legit podcast with high production value, recorded with professional equipment and lovingly edited for hours before it’s published on YouTube. It’s hosted by a bunch of passionate (and pretty opinionated) gamers, so it’s also more than just your everyday “gameplay with commentary”. The podcast is focused entirely on the best hunting-action games for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV. For all it’s worth, we’re good friends with the “Monster Hunter Podcast” and we’re being featured on their website: teamworkcast/podcasts/show.php?id=33 If that’s not a seal of quality, then I don’t know what is ;) I find it hard to believe that people who love the game that this group is dedicated to would not be interested in some high quality gameplay and commentary. These sorts of videos bring the most traffic to YouTube after all. That is why I blame myself for not being very clear about the content that I was posting here. So I’m asking you, my fellow hunters, sinners, sorcerers and slayers, when you see a new episode pinned on top of the group wall, please give “Live Hunt! Podcast” a fighting chance. I’m asking you as both this group’s caretaker and the podcast creator. The success and the very survival of the show depends on our viewers. We might be spending 10 hours per episode, recording and editing to make it the best that it can be, but without the audience, the show is nothing and all the effort goes to waste. On my own and my friends’ behalf I ask you again: show us your support, go check out some episodes and if you will like what you see, give them a like, leave a comment and subscribe for more. You are our audience, and that audience is the life force of the show. If you will end up not liking what you see, please let us know what we could do to improve your experience. We are not afraid of healthy criticism – on the contrary. The more feedback we get, the better the show will become! This link will lead you to the channel where all the episodes are uploaded to: https://youtube/PixelPolishTV (Y) Hope to see you there and sorry for the wall of text ;) Safe hunts! Signed: PixelPolish, CodOfWisdom, NevarrBlue, SirBanana, Zhinzo and the rest of the “Live Hunt! Podcast” team.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:51:05 +0000

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