Attention fellow researchers: It appears queen tri-tittyum was a - TopicsExpress


Attention fellow researchers: It appears queen tri-tittyum was a very elaborate practical joke and I must say I am somewhat let down. The concept of the multi-boobular configuration was quite intriguing due to the weight to protrusion ratio. It appeared for a moment someone had worked out a practical compromise to the conventional plastic surgery paradigm of creating bulbous dirigibles in favor of a more practical split the difference down the middle approach. As you know, two large, hulking titans require an industrial strength lunch room lady brassier to keep them contained, and bikinis create an even more dangerous hazard since strap fatigue and failure can result in someone getting their eye put out. This approached allowed for the goofy, excessive mammary presentation while maintaining a more balanced approach to ergonomics and safety. On a less practical side, the Chernobyl style bra would have required custom manufacturing since she would have been in the small minority of women with three hooters.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:01:48 +0000

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