Attractions in Tana Toraja Pallawa Tongkonan is a - TopicsExpress


Attractions in Tana Toraja Pallawa Tongkonan is a traditional house Toraja society. The roof is curved to resemble a boat, consisting of bamboo structure (currently part tongkonan using tin roof). On the front there is a row of buffalo horn. The inside of the room used as a bed and a kitchen. Tongkonan used also as a place to store the bodies. Tongkonan derived from the word tongkon (meaning sit together). Tongkonan divided by level or role in society (social stara Toraja Society). In front there tongkonan granary, called grass. Poles granary is made from the trunk of a palm tree (Bangah) is now partially been casted. At the front of the barn there is a variety of carvings, including a picture of chicken and sun, a symbol to complete the case. Tongkonan tongkonan Pallawa is one that is between the bamboo trees on a hilltop. Tongkonan is decorated with a buffalo horn that is attached at the front of the custom house. Located about 12 Km to the north of Rantepao. Londa Londa is the steep rocks on the side of a typical tomb Tana Toraja. One of them is located in a high place on the hill with a cave in which the corpse crates are set according to the family line, at the other one left open hillside overlooking the green expanse of scenery. Londa is de Village Sendan Uai, District Sanggalai, about 5 km to the south of Rantepao, Tana Toraja. Kete Kesu Kete Kesu mean center of activity, where the presence of the township, where the craft of carving, and the grave. Activity center is a row of traditional houses called Tongkonan, which is the object of this enchanting village. Besides Tongkonan, here too there is a granary and buildings surrounding megaliths. About 100 yards behind this village there is a cliff with the grave cemetery site dependent and tau-tau in a given building stone fence. Tau-tau shows the daily appearance of the owner. This village is also known as carving skills possessed by its inhabitants as well as a great place to shop for souvenirs. Located about 4 km from southeast Rantepao. stone Tumonga In this area you can find about 56 stone menhirs in a loop with 4 trees in the middle. Most stone menhir has a height of about 2-3 meters. From this place you can see the beauty of Rantepao and surrounding valleys. Located in an area with ketinggai Sesean 1300 Meters above sea level. Lemo LEMO is a cemetery on a hill made of stone. This hill is named Lemo because its shape resembles a round citrus fruits (limes). On the hill, there are about 75 holes and each hole is a grave graves of the family with a size 3 X 5 M. To make this hole takes 6 months to 1 year at a cost of approximately Rp. 30 million. This place is often referred to as the home of the spirits. In the cemetery you can see the corpses Lemo stored in the open air, amid the steep rocks. This cemetery is a blend of death, art and ritual. At certain times clothing from the bodies will be replaced with a ceremony Ma Nene through. Batu Lemo grave is located in the north of Makale, Tana Toraja. Baby graves Kambira In this cemetery, babies who died before their teeth grow buried in a hole made in the tree Tarra . This baby is still considered sacred. Tarra Tree was chosen as the burial place of the baby, because this tree has many nodes are considered as a substitute for breast milk. With buried in this tree, the Toraja people consider this as the baby was returned to his mothers womb, and they hope to return this baby to save the mothers womb babies will be born later. Tarra Tree has a diameter of about 80-100 cm and the hole that used to bury the baby covered with fibers of palm trees. Funeral like this is done by the followers of the teachings of the Toraja belief in ancestors. The funerals are conducted in a simple and babies are not buried wrapped in cloth, so that the baby is still in the womb as his mother. This cemetery is located in the village of Kambira, not far from Makale, Tana Toraja. River Rafting Sadan Sadan river has a length of about 182 km and an average width of 80 meters and has a total tributary 294. Along the river there are some rapids with different levels of difficulty, such as rafting Puru with category III level of difficulty; Seba Disposal rafting difficulty level category IV, yaitupermukaan water in the river is wide and suddenly narrowed quickly; rafting Fitr with difficulty level category V, namely in the form of faulting and river currents that hit a large rock which can cause sticking in a stone boat and stuck them. In addition, the topography of the area is also very attractive with natural beauty and cool air along the way. River location Sadan started from a suspension bridge in the village of Tana Toraja Wooden Fruit and ends at the bridge Pappi Enrekang, South Sulawesi. Ceremony Signs Solo Signs Solo dalah ceremonial death Tana Toraja society that aims to honor and deliver the spirits of people who died towards the realm of the spirit, which is returned to the immortality with their ancestors in a resting place. The ceremony is often called refinement death ceremony because the person who died had actually considered the whole procession passed after this ceremony fulfilled. If not, then the people who died are only considered as a sick or weak, so it remains to be treated as well as the living, which was laid on the bed and was given a dish of food and drinks always even talk. The culmination of the ceremony was held signs solo disebuah particular field. In this ceremony there are a series of rituals, such as wrapping the corpse, thread affixing ornaments of gold and silver in the coffin, a decrease in the barn for the bodies to be buried, and the proposing of the corpse to its final resting place. Moreover, in this ceremony there are a variety of cultural attractions on display, including buffalo race, buffaloes will be sacrificed in the race before slaughter, and leg kicks. There are also staging some music and some dance Toraja. Buffalo were slaughtered by way of a buffalos neck slashed with one swing, this is typical of the people of Tana Toraja. Buffalo for slaughter not just a regular buffalo, but the buffalo Caucasians Tedong Bonga which cost between 10-50 million per tail. The traditional ceremony is usually held in Kampung Bonoran, Village Kete Kesu, District Kesu , Tana Toraja.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:36:33 +0000

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