Auckland, NEW ZEALAND, 12 August 2013: Burglary affects 140 - TopicsExpress


Auckland, NEW ZEALAND, 12 August 2013: Burglary affects 140 properties per week in the Auckland City District, that’s 20 break-ins per day in New Zealand’s largest city Auckland City District crime statistics 2012 According to ADT Security Managing Director Peter Fermor while burglary rates across New Zealand have decreased over the last year, householders should not become complacent about protecting their homes and their loved ones. “Even in supposedly safe areas, it is important for homeowners to take the necessary precautions to protect their homes and families from intruders”, says Fermor. “Obviously some houses will be more tempting to thieves than others; those located in quiet streets, under heavy foliage, with poor lighting or without a security system tend to be particularly susceptible. Thieves don’t want to get caught, so they’re more likely to attempt to enter a house without an alarm than a house with one. Carrying out a home security assessment will help identify weak spots and ways to reinforce them.” Fermor also highlights the potential impact that social media can have on home security. Research by ADT Security in Australia found that nine in ten householders think posting their whereabouts on social media websites presents a threat to home security. “There have been reports of opportunistic crimes occurring due to information posted on social networking sites”, he says. “The reality is that savvy criminals can learn when a home is likely to be vacant through status updates and posts. It’s important to keep your social networks private and perhaps think twice before updating your whereabouts on sites like Facebook or Twitter, particularly when on holidays.” A burglary can be a frightening experience but never more so than when a break-in occurs with a family member at home. Fermor recommends that if you do experience a burglary while at home, it’s important not to confront the intruder. “If you are unable to escape safely and raise the alarm, go to a room in the house with a lockable door, remain quiet and call the police,” he said.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:40:09 +0000

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