August 03 2014 BRICS Breaking the Jewish Money Power three - TopicsExpress


August 03 2014 BRICS Breaking the Jewish Money Power three major changes in the American monetary system... have occurred in the last one hundred years... 1. the first change was the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913... 2. the second change was going off the personal gold standard in 1933... 3. the third change was going off the national gold standard in 1971... onto the petrodollar... an extortion racket concocted by Kissinger forcing Saudi Arabia... to sell oil for dollars... we would give the oil producing countries military protection... if they obeyed but kill them if they did not... does Saddam Hussein/ Gaddafi ring a bell?... the goal of the petrodollar was to keep the dollar as the world reserve currency... the power that has the reserve currency gets to print money... in exchange for real goods... that is why the stores in the US are filled with cheap goods... even though the US does not produce anything in exchange... that is why prices would shoot up if the petrodollar was replaced... we are now at a point where the monetary system is going to change again... but this time the Jews are not in control... the game changer was launched in July 2014 by the BRICS... by creating a rival to the Bank of International Settlements/ BIS/ World Bank... Jewish apparatuses of global financial/ political control... the new game in town is the BRICS “New Development Bank”/ NDB... it will change the way the world works... Putin told reporters... “the international monetary system depends on the US dollar... to be precise on the monetary policy of the US authorities... BRICS wants to change this...” these are fighting words... for the Yuan/ the Rupee/ the Ruble will start replacing the dollar... as the world reserve currency... countries will not need dollars to buy oil any more... developing countries like Ukraine will not need to borrow money... from Federal Reserve/ the International Monetary Fund/ IMF... they can borrow it from the New Development Bank/ NDB at much better terms... the IMF is a death trap... the IMF only lends for speculation/ take-overs/ control... but the BRICS to develop infrastructure/ cooperation between nations... that is their stated goal... how does this affect the average American?... this transition from one currency/ the dollar... to multiple currencies will turn Wal-Mart into a Neiman Marcus... prices will soar... what remains of American productivity especially agricultural... will export goods chasing the stable currencies... this will cause fewer goods produced here available to Americans... scarcity will skyrocket... do you think sanctions against Russia... are really because of “Russian aggression”?... not a chance... the sanctions are a desperate response... to the threat posed by the New Development Bank... to the dollar reserve currency... no sooner was the Bank announced... the stooge regime in Kiev shot down the plane... the demonizing of Putin went into high gear... sanctions were ramped up... Fareed Zakaria CNN: explain how these sanctions particularly the American sanctions... that are really sanctions that do not allow these companies... the Russian companies to in some way participate... in the American financial system... why do you think they are so effective?... David Cohen US Treasury Department: well they are very effective because the dollar is the dominant currency... in which all international trade occurs... when we impose a sanction on a company... that means that they cannot have access to US financial institutions... to US businesses... or really to trade in the dollar...” yet businesses in America/ Germany opposed the sanctions... if the new world order is just a “corporatocracy”... then the businessmen would have prevailed... but the quick marshalling of American/ European sanctions... even though against their business interests... shows the existence of a supra-national/ global governance... that supersedes “corporatocracy”... it shows that the character of that global governance... is more political than it is commercial... it is about who controls the world... who do we know that fits this description... can enforce a sudden global reversal of policy?... the International Jewish Money Power... that is who... Jacob Lew US Treasury Secretary/ David Cohen of the US Treasury... act on behalf of that power... Washington is not “stupid” as Paul Craig Roberts says... it is sinister... it is a tool of International Jewry... whose current monetary system is fated to hit the skids... the “New Development Bank” of the BRICS has fired the first shot... youtube/watch?v=XHpZIJ2c0A8
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:32:42 +0000

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