August 11, 2013 Wow! Where do I start? The Richard family is - TopicsExpress


August 11, 2013 Wow! Where do I start? The Richard family is feeling so “blessed and loved” right now. Last Saturday night was so amazing. We saw friends and family that we hadn’t seen in years. It was overwhelming to see the number of people who came and supported Brian and I. It was even more amazing the number of people who have either emailed, called or sent a donation in support of us. I often hear people ask, “Why did/do you continue to stay in Henderson County?” This was a prime example of the reason I did and do. I believe that our small communities pull together when someone is in need and assist in whatever way they can. We know each other and take care of our own. To Jessi, my best friend’s daughter- What can I say? I love you and thank you more than words can say. Your parents raised a pretty special young lady. I know they are very proud! You absolutely outdid yourself. Please know and believe that you have a talent that not many people posses. You are a one and only. Love ya! To Amanda, one of Jamie’s best friends – Thank you for all you did to assist Jessi with the planning, set up and entire benefit event. Jamie has a pretty special friend in you. To All the volunteers, donors, auction bidders, raffle ticket purchasers, servers, food providers, supply providers, and cooks – THANK YOU! The benefit would not have been the great success it was without you. To my family and extended family – I just want to say thank you for sticking beside the Richard’s through these difficult times. I know some of you were unable to join us in person but I know that you were all there is spirit. Love all of you! Brian, Jamie, Wayne, Jayda, Jenna, Jaycee and I are beyond words and so humbled by everything that everyone has done to support us in our time of need. We truly do believe in prayer and our prayer warriors have fought a hard battle and have won each battle as it comes. We know there are many more bumps in the road but we will fight and continue to win these battles. As for a medical update. Brian has been released to drive as long as he does not take the pain medication but he has to be careful as he is in the neck collar. His next follow up appointment is the first week of September. We hope they will discontinue all restrictions at that time. He continues to discover that he is not his “normal” self and it takes a lot more energy to do things than before. Continued strength building is in his future. I am still waiting for the insurance company to approve the back brace. For the past two weeks I have been suffering from quite a bit of nausea and vomiting but after visiting with my chemo doctor last week, we are hoping it was a drug interaction with the chemo pills and the nausea medicine that I was taking. Another sign that I am receiving the “real deal” and not a placebo. After going to the emergency room Friday night and getting several bags of fluids, I am feeling quite a bit better. Yeah!!!! School starts this week and that takes quite a bit of energy. As for the other family member with some major medical concerns (The “C” word), she is going to be going to Mayo Clinic in the near future. I ask that you continue to include her in your prayers. “Everything you go through, good or bad, happens for a reason. You may not understand it at the time, but when God is ready, he will reveal it to you.” This continues to be my life line and I am holding on tight. As a final note, thanks again for everything! CANCER SUCKS AND GOD IS GOOD!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:04:50 +0000

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