August 2014 Another month gone (snap!), just like that! We - TopicsExpress


August 2014 Another month gone (snap!), just like that! We thought wed share a few experiences that we had over the last few weeks where we could see and feel the hand of the Lord in our lives as inspired by a Sunday School lesson. Elder Clark taught a lesson to the older youth today about the importance of keeping journals. There was a video by President Henry B Eyring in Mormon messages called O Remember, Remember. He wrote in a journal every day when his children were little. He would ponder and ask himself, Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us? Did God send a message just for me? and Did I see His hand in my life? President Eyring realized the many small things that made him aware God was blessing him and his family everyday. On our mission in Harlem, we realize the many tender mercies and protection for us both spiritually and physically. Sometimes it was as simple as catching the right bus to arrive just in time for the underground train at the Metro to arrive at our destination on time for a lesson. Sometimes it was to be able to prepare the right lesson for a less active person and have the right words to say at the right time that cause them to reflect on their behavior. Nevertheless, we have noticed that everyone has those experiences but may not realize them as blessings from God. We have an anecdotal experience to share about this. We were returning home on the bus. On First Avenue near our apartment, there is a bus lane area for dropping off and picking up passengers at the stops but there is also a parking lane shortly after the assigned area. A car zoomed in front of the bus trying to move into an empty parking spot to the right of the bus. The bus driver slammed on his brakes and narrowly avoided the car in his lane. The car driver yelled at the bus to backup because he wanted to park. The bus driver yelled back to get out of his lane and there was a bit of a standoff. A pedestrian finally came up to the driver of the car and told him he was illegally in the bus lane and in the wrong. The car driver got really mad and sped off in a huff. The bus driver was still visibly upset, his driving clearly suffering. When he made his very last stop (where we get off) two stops later, we walked up to exit through the front doors. Sister Clark turned to him and said, Well I guess there is no law against being stupid! He looked at her and then burst out laughing, saying,That was stupid wasnt it? His tension was released and he was able to go on about his day in a better frame of mind. Did the bus driver realize God had protected him from a collision, a physical fight, or a ongoing bad attitude day? Probably not, but we did because we were also protected from physical injury. Recently, Sister Clark and I were assisting the full time Elders teaching a great young woman investigator about the meaning and importance of Sacrament meeting and the Sacrament. Of course my Spanish is still at best weak, yet I had come into my mind several sentences in Spanish about the need for each of us to focus on the Savior during the Sacrament and to always remember him and what he has done for us. I thought about the words and their meaning. I wondered if the words in my head would make sense when I said them. I worried that my grammar would be wrong. I worried that my pronunciation would be so poor that the words would not be understood. I was concerned that my attempt at expressing these thoughts and feelings in Spanish would detract from the wonderful spirit of the lesson being taught and frankly I was terrified at speaking in Spanish. Then, there was a lull in the dialogue. Now was the time to say what was in my head and heart, but I hesitated. The void was filled with the words that were in my head and heart, but they were being spoken by Sister Clark. I realized then that Heavenly Father was not going to let a wonderful teaching moment be lost so He inspired my wonderful companion to share the same sacred message I had received. This is truly the Lords work. Sister Clark and I spend most of our time working with less active members and visiting members of the ward. We spend time fasting and praying about what would be the best thing that we can teach and talk about each day for all of our visits. One lesson we were teaching did not seem to be going very well, although the person we were visiting was apparently receptive. It was a very hot and humid day and our host asked if we would like something to drink. When our host came back with a glass of water for both Sister Clark and I, the subject of family history came up and the whole spirit of the meeting changed. We talked about family history, the spirit of Elijah and the importance of tying families together forever. We offered that we would love to help locate ancestors by using the family history centre at our chapel. When we met at the family history centre a few days later, things did not go too well at first. Establishing an account was difficult, but we persevered and we were finally able to log into Family Search. We spent a lot of time trying to find any of her ancestors without any luck. Both Sister Clark and I were quite disappointed and offered to do more, but this sister was happy and so grateful that we were willing to help her. She smiled brightly thanked us profusely, shook my hand and gave Sister Clark a big hug before saying, You are going to come by again next week arent you? We guess sometimes you just dont know what is important to the people that you visit. It was obvious that our willingness to help her was more important than her ancestors. One late night Sister Clark and I were making our way uptown and then across town, home from a great evening filled with member visits and teaching. We got on the subway just as it started to rain. I dont know if any of you have ever been in a New York summer thunderstorm or not, but they are real dillies. It will rain about an inch in one hour. It comes down in great sheets driven by winds that invert nearly every umbrella known to man, and there is lightning everywhere and nowhere to hide. We exited the subway near our crosstown bus stop into a raging storm. People were filling every doorway and nook or cranny to get out of the rain and wind. We had merely backed up to the edge of a bodega to get any shelter we could. Standing there was a short, older gentleman, huddled in the corner without a jacket or umbrella. We offered to share ours until the bus came. After a couple of minutes we started talking and shared that we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we had a message that he would find interesting. We shared briefly that there is a God that loves him. Unfortunately, his bus arrived. We didnt get his name. He ran to catch his bus and then came back to shake our hands before running off again. We do not know what he may have heard or understood, but we know that Heavenly Father placed us together under an umbrella that night to let him know that God loves him. May God Bless you all in your missionary efforts. Love, Elder and Hermana Clark PS Hasten the Work!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:36:03 +0000

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