Australia the lucky country The land of the hardworking yet - TopicsExpress


Australia the lucky country The land of the hardworking yet supportive of our Aussie battlers A place of many opportunities and great wealth Freedom of speech, freedom of religion We have no war and no famine What a great place in many ways Yet far from perfect Australia is fair for who and lucky for who? Beneath the surface there is inequality where 10% of the population own 90% of the wealth and the other 90% own just 10% of the wealth Great injustice and breach of human rights of our first nation and people seeking asylum Cutting funds to domestic violence services, youth refuges and many other vital services, whilst giving mining mangets tax breaks Labelling welfare recipient as leaners or people wanting handouts, when the majojrity are genuine Deep seated racism and ignorance This ignorance controlled by the media Which is to the politicians advantage As they know the masses are controlled On the surface you can not see But if you look and do some research You will never be able to un-see what you now know Questioning everything, the media, And making the effort to become a bit more informed Can be an isolating place to be, Simple discussion or sharing on social media Often resulting in judgement and back lash, even from ones own friends and family Hey it is not as though you want to talk about it all day every day Or give up your whole life for this Why is anything remotely political or not so peachy, completely off limits? Isnt what is happening in our country and what is happening to human beings around the nation important? I think most Aussies would say yes? Why then is there all this division and general apathy? This tendency to live in an ivory tower and not care unless something effects oneself? Is it too much to ask for a bit of civil discussion and people doing what they can when they can? Lets unite and together work towards a truly more fair, compassionate, tolerant, understanding and informed Australia
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:29:44 +0000

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