Avadhut Joshi, Room No.202, Aviraj Lodge, 11, Mrutyunjaya Colony, - TopicsExpress


Avadhut Joshi, Room No.202, Aviraj Lodge, 11, Mrutyunjaya Colony, Karve Road, Pune -411029 Mobile- +91 8806712048 avadhut2012@rediffmail 14 Dec 14 To The H’ble Prime Minister of India (Who so ever receives this e-mail for the H’ble authorities; kindly give proper attention to my request and communicate to the H’ble Authorities at the earliest. The subject of the e-mail must have made you aware of the nature and gravity of the issue.) (Copy submitted with respect to the President, VP, H’ble Home Minister and Law Minister, President of BJP on behalf of NDA, President of INC on behalf of UPA, Presidents of other parties and to SHRI P. SREEDHARAN for forwarding to H’ble Prime Minister and to all H’ble MPs for information and necessary action also) Sub- 1) Request Number Twenty Seven regarding ‘SEOMWIGS’ 2) Further Injustice in court cases 3) our dream for ‘United India and Great India’ Ref- 1) My Request No. 26 dated 07 Dec14 and all other references mentioned in it Respected Sir Today is a sad day for me. The non communication from you and your government has forced this day on me. I am telling position of BJP under present constitution for supporting few morally right things. In all my previous communications, I requested you for taking an initiative for destructing our constitution. I expressed that our constitution and the fake fame of Dr.Ambedkarji is an obstacle for our dream of One India and Great India. But there is nothing on this front. Rather the H’ble CM of Maharashtra expressed his commitment for the memorial in Dr.Ambedkarji ’s name. All these things were not expected from your party. In the past, your party has shown zero respect for Dr.Ambedkarji and his constitution. In every possible way, RSS, BJP and all allied organizations have insulted him and his constitution. It was all practical expression with action though no one uttered a sentence like……………..I/we does not respect the constitution. As I am blaming you and all the organizations mentioned above, I must justify the blame. Let me start from the basics. All of us understand that our forefathers started their life as an animal or as a one creature in the nature. It was far different from today’s concept of a human. It does not mean that there was no system. There was a system. We can term it as a system of nature or natural system. There was no regulation. Everyone was free to behave as per his/her wish. There was absolute freedom for all, for humans and for animals. It was a truly scientific way of living. System was balanced by nature. There was no regulation for humans and animals. But human was quite different creature than others. Human brain was quite different than brains of other animals. It had a tremendous capacity for developing. This development of brain initiated the process of today’s civilization. With help of advanced brain, human started interfering in the natural system. Human interference should not be compared with only big power plants, bombs, cars and huge machinery. Even a shifting of one flower tree from one place to another place is interference in the environment. Making a hut with help of grass leaves and wood is interference in the natural environment. No any other creature in the nature can do such things. Or all other creatures will do a very tiny interference and it will be for the very basic needs. Some animals are able to make holes in the ground. But their potential of making a change is very limited in comparison with human being. Human started using the natural resources for its physical and mental comfort. He also paid attention for human safety and protection of resources. In short, need for physical comfort, need for mental satisfaction and need for security were the prime motivators since beginning. These motivators motivated the human beings. With help of developed brain, human race kept on developing and reached to the present state. All the concepts like god, demon, religion etc. are part and parcel of this evolution process. Democratic system of governance is also a land mark of the above process. In this system, a group of people decides to live on a specified piece of land. We term such piece of land as a nation. Together, they decide some norms or code of conduct for a peaceful habitation of all. All such norms or code of conduct are compiled in a document and such document is called as the constitution of that nation. Under this constitution people elect their leaders, who manage the activities as per the prescribed norms in the constitution. Once again, I would like to express that even after say 100000 years, the prime motivators are unchanged. Today also, all our activities are based on the basic needs like physical and mental comfort and security. Behind any activity, we can find these factors, either as directly or in an indirect way. Hence in a democratic system of governance, following the constitution is of vital importance. Constitution includes those things which are agreed by all. When we follow the constitution, by default we follow the things which are agreed by all. Hence by acting as per the norms given in the constitution, we can insure the object of peaceful living of all in a nation governed by the specific constitution of that nation. Now, let us consider the constitution. Constitution involves each and every activity happening in the nation. Hence it is impossible to expect everything in written format. However this need is covered by the general principles. Constitution gives us the national motive or a goal of living together. Constitution gives us a set of general principles. It also gives details by general laws/rules/guide lines and procedures. The principles and goals; over ride the general laws/rules/guide lines and procedures in case of disputes. In other words, every citizen is supposed to follow the constitution and contribute in achieving the national goal of peaceful living. It is more essential for political parties and political leaders as they are in position to influence the masses. If political parties and leaders deviate from the norms, indirectly they are influencing the masses for deviating. With more number of people deviating from the norms, it will have an adverse effect on the peaceful living of people in the nation. This is a general idea of a democratic set up. It is a general idea of following the constitution and achieving the goal of peaceful living. As we generally say that all rules have an exception. Like wise, to this general rule about democratic system, our constitution is an exception. The very reason is its so called great architect. Generally, constitution forming body involves of wise persons of that nation, under leadership of the wisest available person in the nation. Such people, with proper knowledge of history of the nation, culture of the nation accommodate the future aspirations of the people in the constitution. Usually a great visionary, knowledgeable person is chosen as a leader of the constitution forming body. Our nation failed here. We selected a foolish person, with a very poor knowledge of everything. We selected a person who behaved as a traitor and did everything possible for consolidating the British regime. We selected a person who was over flooded with hatred for Hindu religion, the major bunch of people in this nation. What he did in his constitution? He thrashed the genuine aspirations of the Hindu people. What were the aspirations of Hindu people? if we look in to the history, Hindu were under regulation of the Muslims and British for say 1500 years. So for such a long period of time, on our own land, we suffered a secondary treatment from foreign rulers. I will mention about ‘the infamous Ziziya tax’ on Hindu people when Aurangjeb was ruling. In my previous request, I have quoted about the loot by British. In British regime also, Hindu religion was treated as inferior. Please read the so called great creation of Fule. In reality, there is nothing any extraordinary bad in Hindu religion. Like all other religions, Hindu religion travelled the same evolution process. It was halted by the foreign rulers. Otherwise, I am certain that our land would have given the gift of democracy to the world. Just compare the civilization stage in Buddha period in Hindu religion; with Muslim and Christian people in the period of Lord Mohammad and Lord Yeshu. So the hatred of Dr.Ambedkarji for Hindu religion took the expression of secularism. The fundamentally wrong concept of reservation came as an expression of the totally fake theory of thousand year injustice with lower castes. Secularism is not a basically wrong concept. It was a wrong thing in India. Please try to understand the difference between secularism in a country like United Kingdom/ France/America and India. UK, US and France has no history of humiliation of their majority religion or Christian religion. So the people of these countries can easily adopt the concept of secularism. India’s story is different. Indians or Hindu people suffered a great humiliation of their religion. Hence they struggled for freedom from foreign rulers or rulers of different religion. Hindu was not given a slightest opportunity of restoring the pride of Hindu religion. And the main culprit was Dr.Ambedkarji, the so called intelligent and wise person ever born in India. So the future seed of problem was planted with the birth of the constitution. Now let us check the parallel events happened in past…..I mean few years before birth of the constitution. Fule-Ambedkarji with help of pro British princely states and British government spread the venom of caste spirit. The congress leaders like Tilak, Gandhi, Neharu, Subhashchnadra Bose etc and Sawarkar, other freedom fighters managed to restrict the split in the Hindu society on caste base. Any how they brought majority together and our freedom struggle was successful. All these leaders were directly active in the freedom struggle. But there was different category of people who were equally concern for the pride of Hindu religion and also about the unity of Hindu religion. This category of people was not directly involved in the freedom struggle. Such people were working on different platforms. Dr. Hedagewarji was such person. He founded one such organization named RSS. What was his intension? His objects were very clear. I am summarizing important ones. • Salvage the respect of Hindu religion. • To break the caste barrier and unite Hindu people • Cultivate the young generation who will be loyal towards our nation, religion and culture. And the basic Hindu culture is of accommodating all with differences. We do not need any label of secularism for it. • Cultivate the young generation who will obey and follow high moral standards and will give selfless service in the creation of our nation. All these motives were reflected in the name of the organization ……….राष्टीय स्वयमसेवक संघ ….a group of selfless national workers. However it was unfortunate thing that no one studied the creations of Fule-Ambedkarji carefully and assaulted them. I blame all the pro Hindu people, so called intellectuals for that. I think that influence of the technological and industrial advance by British/Europeans was spectacular. All agreed to the Fule-Ambedkar theories (Basically all these theories were copied and were initiated by British for demoralizing Hindu society) Few sentences in Manu smruti were sufficient to choke the Hindu intellectuals. As Gandhiji carried potty for fighting with Dr.Ambedkarji and restricted the split in Hindu society, RSS did the same thing on different platform with different tools and methods. The constitution came into existence. No Hindu opposed it. No Hindu opposed idiotic theories of Ambedkarji. The basically accommodative Hindu society accommodated Dr.Ambedkarji with his totally bad background and zero contribution for the nation. But a fool like Dr.Ambedkarji took the situation in different way. He really thought of himself as intelligent and knowledgeable person. He thought of himself as a force which can not disposed off. He kept on abusing Hindu religion after receiving all the respect and positions from Hindu society. I do remember few lines from a book ‘Yugpravartak by Haribhau Pagare’. It is about the Hindu code bill for which Dr.Ambedkarji resigned. उसमे श्री. पगारे लिखते है की कोंग्रेस नेता हिन्दू धर्म के बारेमे ताने लगानेसे अम्बेडकरजी से बहुत नाराज थे. कोंग्रेस नेताओंका ये कहना था की वे लोग इस बिल के खिलाफ नही थे. वह बस इतना चाहते थे की जो भी बात बतानी है वह हिन्दू धर्म के खिलाफ बिना बोले प्रस्तुत करे. लेकिन अम्बेडकरजी जैसा अहंकारी व्यक्ति समझदारी कैसे दिखा सकता है? तो फिर उसमे राजनीती घुस गयी. कोंग्रेस नेताओंने उन्हें राजीनामा देने तक बाध्य किया. वैसे ये लाथ मारने का सभ्य तरीका भी हो सकता है. मतलब रिझाइन करो नहीं तो हम आपको कीक आउट करेंगे. तो आम्बेडकरजी ने भागनेका सभ्य तरीका अपनाया. तबतक आम्बेडकरजी कितने उच्च स्तर के नालायक है वह दलित लोग भी समझ चुके थे. अब उन्होंने उनका आखरी दाव लगाया. उनको बुद्ध की याद आ गयी. राजनैतिक स्वार्थ के लिए उन्होंने बुद्ध जैसे भगवान को इस्तेमाल किया. और हिदू धर्म का त्याग करके बौद्ध बने. उसमे वह चल बसे. तो जैसे मरी हुई भैस बहुत दूध देती है वैसे ही सभीने उनके ढोल बजाना शुरू किया. और पाच सात साल जिन्दा रहते तो शायद कोग्रेस वाले ही इस घटना को फेक देते. Let us consider few more events. Resignation of Dr.Shamaprasad Mukherji from the government was one such important event. There was difference between Hindutv of Hindu Mahasbha and Congress. Hindutva of Hindu Mahasbha was sharper than Hindutva of Congress. But Dr.Ambedkar’s hatred for Hindu was an equal problem for both. Dr.Shamaprasad Mukherji was basically a freedom fighter/politician. He approached RSS and a new Hindutvvadi political party was formed in the name of Jansangh. This event wiped out the image of RSS as a purely cultural organization. There is no meaning for the documents. For all practical reasons, RSS became a political organization. Add up the killing of Gandhiji by Nathuram Godase, a Brahmin and a radical Hindu. It was big dent on the claim of RSS as a cultural organization. For all practical reasons RSS became a purely political outfit. Still there was some transient period in which RSS was praised by congress leaders. When there was an end to this transient period, the ground goal of RSS changed. Once RSS was supposed to supply selfless national workers for the nation, after these changes, RSS started supplying selfless workers for Jansangh, a political party in India. Once these changes occurred, Congress started cashing on the killing of Gandhiji. Especially in Maharashtra, RSS/Jansangh was treated as bunch of Shethaji and Bhataji. The death of Dr.Ambedkarji, saved his image after death. ‘The trio of Fule-Ambedkar-Shau Maharaj ‘started paying political benefits. It was on very short term. In practice, Congress was losing its broad base. Instead of doing introspection, Congress went on buttering policy for Dalits and Muslims. But it was very well with in the boundaries of the constitution. There was no insult of the constitution and Dr.Ambedkarji. Congress never did anything wrong against Hindu people. The buttering of Muslims was treated as an indirect injustice with Hindu people. It was basically a sense of relative injustice. Otherwise everything was happening as per the norms given by the constitution to which all Hindu people agreed. Hence there was and there is no sense in crying over it. There was reaction. RSS/Jansangh/BJP adopted anti Muslim approach. With Marathvada University renaming issue, BJP acquired the cancer of caste for its political benefit. Theoretically RSS/BJP and Congress became equal except the issue of secularism. Let us adopt fast mode. Let us remember issues like Boforce, eruption of VP Singji, Bhartratna award to the most useless person like Dr.Ambedkarji, Mandal commission and let us reach to Ayodhya issue. Let us check the Ayodhya issue with the provisions of the constitution. No congress leader invited Babar and managed the destruction of the Rama temple. The issue was quite old and the matter of ownership of the land was with in the court. Had there been a court verdict in favor of Hindu, I do not see any reason for opposition by Congress/secular political parties for the temple of Lord Rama. But the political organizations like RSS/BJP started agitations on this issue. As per the norms in this country, no one is supposed to talk on the disputable matter in the court. RSS/BJP started a campaign for the temple of Lord Rama. Is it not the contempt of the court? Is it not the insult of the constitution? Our great architect of the constitution did his research on Lord Rama. He found that Lord Rama was a play boy. Still BJP ran a campaign for a temple of a playboy? Is it a respect for Dr.Ambedkarji? If BJP/RSS thought of Lord Rama as a great King/God whose ruling was best among the history………………by respecting Dr.Ambedkarji, are they showing any respect for Lord Rama? Further the campaign reached its crescendo, after several promises for the safety of the Masjid by BJP leaders, the then H’ble Chief minister of UP, the Masjid was destroyed under guidance of BJP/RSS/Vishwa Hindu parishad leaders. Was it a respect for the court and judiciary? Was it a respect for Dr.Ambedkarji and his constitution? But still there was political benefit for the BJP. BJP came in a position to form a government at center. Now see the twist and cheating of Hindu people and nation. BJP kept aside the issues of article 370 and Rama temple. What was the reason? The political parties which extended hand to BJP were not in support to these things. So raising of such issues was not beneficial for general the administration of the nation. Let us check the logic behind it? BJP agreed to keep aside these issues for the support of political parties which were in opposition to these issues. How the same BJP was expecting favorable action from Congress? Was there any one in Congress government who was supporting these issues? Why BJP created problems and difficulties in the general administration of the nation? Why BJP put hurdles on the development of the nation by such agitation? Today BJP is talking about development under leadership of you. You and your party blamed the Congress for poor development. Let us assume that Congress did nothing. Who is the real culprit? Is it Congress or it is BJP? You and your political party forced the entire nation for channelizing all energies on the non development issues. You and your party stormed the entire nation for the temple of a playboy. You and your party never allowed conducive atmosphere in the nation for development. But when your own party comes in power, you are expecting different things from others. H’ble Vajpeyiji asked for cooperation from others for the sake of the nation. You are doing the same thing for the love of nation. What happens to your love for the nation when others are in power? Why BJP disturb others with non development issues and still boast as sole proprietors of patriotism? This is called as hypocrisy. Dr.Ambedkarji in his writings opposed the hypocrisy. How can you claim respect for Dr.Ambedkarji? Let us think about the term respect and respect for any person. Why the nation and you respect Dr.Ambedkarji and Gandhiji? Do you respect them as they were good looking? Do you respect them as they were good singers? We respect the political persons for their thoughts. We respect them for their service to the people of the nation. We respect them as they built up and shape up the national mind in a particular direction and which should be beneficial for the society as whole. When you say that you respect Dr.Ambedkarji, you respect his thoughts. When you respect Dr.Ambedkarji, you should never say…………गर्वसे कहो की हम हिन्दू है. As per Dr.Ambedkarji, there was nothing for pride in Hindu religion and hence he rejected Hindu religion after availing all the benefits from Hindu society. When you say that you respect Gandhiji, you respect his self less service for the nation. You respect his self less efforts for uniting the Hindu society against the propaganda from British and Dr.Ambedkarji. If you respect Gandhiji…………..You should never say that you respect Dr.Ambedkarji. If you respect Lord Rama, you should never say that you respect the scoundrels like Fule-Ambedkar. Today, your party is telling that the court has not put a finger on you in reference to the Gujrat riots. Can you expect from others that they should honor the court’s verdict? You are not authorized for such expectation as you and your party has insulted our judiciary in Babari Masjid issue. RSS/BJP has insulted the judiciary. People will give back the same thing by accusing you for the riots. On 10 Dec 14, I read that your government was thinking of awarding Bhartratna to H’ble Vajpeyiji. Definitely this award will be given under the constitutional provisions. I have great respect for him. But look to him form the system point of view. What is his contribution for the nation? What respect did he express by supporting the Ram temple issue and destruction of Babri Masjid? Sir! When there was declaration of verdict on the Ayodhya land case, there was high alert situation in the entire nation. Why one court verdict on ownership of a piece of land created such situation in the nation? Who is responsible for it? Is it not H’ble Vajpeyiji? The media and intellectuals talk a lot about his soft view on such issues. What is the use of his views to the nation? He was top authority in BJP, did he stop the agitations? He told you few words on Rajdharma ? Did he follow it by allowing an agitation like Rama temple? Basically it was against the norms of the constitution. The destruction of Babri majid was the only and only reason for the Bombay blasts. I hold H’ble Vajpeyiji responsible for the Mumbai blasts. I hold his so called soft nature as a tool for making people fool. Rather his travel in party hierarchy was due to his fiery speeches in favor of Hinduism. It is a trick and strategy in BJP. People climb in the party hierarchy with fiery speeches and thoughts against secularism, and then the person at top puts up mask of accommodative nature and new juniors remains busy in doing mockery of secularism and the constitution. I am requesting all of you for opposing the Bhartratna award for H’ble Vajpeyiji. It is the saddest moment of my life. But tolerating hypocrisy is more difficult. If you want to award him the Bhartratna, firstly revolt against the constitution….revolt against the idiotic theories of Dr.Ambedkarji. Dump Fule-Ambedkarji first, and then express your pride in Gita and Hindu religion. Without such revolt, a gift of Gita to the H’ble President of America is only drama and cheating of Hindu religion and Hindu people. And it is cheating of the H’ble President of America. As per Fule theory, H’ble President of America is from shudra or atishudra community. Actually we all are behaving like a fool. All the other political parties were critical about you and your party. No one has filed a single case on your party for insulting the constitution. Under this constitution, BJP do not deserve to participate in the elections. I do not understand the working of our election commission. Can not it see the destruction of Babri Masjid? How the election commissions clears the applications of BJP candidates? Why our courts are silent? Can not they see the destruction of the Babri Masjid? Why the courts do not punish BJP for the contempt of the court? Respected Sir! I am a fond of Hindu religion. Hence I do not respect Dr.Ambedkarji and his constitution. But until I revolted against the constitution, I never spoke a single word against him. I was respecting all the people of India who agreed on his constitution. Sir! If you are an ardent follower of Dr.Ambedkarji, do one thing. Punish all the criminals who destroyed the Babri Masjid and insulted the Constitution. And if you claim yourself as an ardent follower of Gandhiji, if you feel proud in Gita and Hindu religion, destroy this constitution. There is one more thing in which you can preserve the pride of Dalits. I heard that United Nations accepted your proposal on ‘Yoga’. Now there will be some world wide program in reference to this. Kindly do not appoint a person like Ramdevbaba for representing our nation. Ramdevbaba has nothing to do with the art of ‘Yoga’. The art of ‘Yoga’ involves control over body and mind. Ramdevbaba did not have any control over his mind, thoughts and speech. Please remember his ridiculous comment in reference with a dalit girl and H’ble Rahulji Gandhi. Please do not ridicule the nation by involving such person as a scholar of yoga. And ‘Yoga’ is a sole property of Hindu religion. Dr.Ambedkarji criticized that also. Review Dr.Ambedkarji. And lastly, please refer the quote in the Dainik Bhaskar. It was posted by my face book friend. It says….. झुठ नहीं बोलनेकी शपथ लेने के बाद अन्य किसी धर्म का कर्म करनेकी आवश्यकता नही रह जाती. फिर सोचना खुद के बारेमे....किस हद तक झुठ के दलदल मे फसे हो. और पुरे देश को फ़साना चाहते हो. ये सभी के लिए है. Kindly communicate Thanking you Yours faithfully Avadhut Joshi
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 15:12:38 +0000

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