Awesome story by Jorge Gutierrez …. Great read: Today one of - TopicsExpress


Awesome story by Jorge Gutierrez …. Great read: Today one of the coolest day ever. I was working (I know it sucks 1month left) and I was running the zip line there. I met this man named Michael there, as I got to know him you can tell something was wrong. He suffers from Severe Parkinsons disease. He was struggling to talk and struggling to move, but he was still willing to go on this 35 foot platform and travel down this 600ft zip line. As we are harnessing up and getting ready we drove to the top in a golf cart. We starting talking and got to know a lot about his life. As he was explaining his life to me, he told me that he isnt able to work anymore because of the disease. I then I asked him what he used to do, he was hesitant, but then he told me he was a millionaire due to working in Wall Street. I was soo impressed, I was taking back. But then he said something that will never leave me. He said Jorge, I worked in Wall Street for 15 years, Im a millionaire and I have money. But I wasted 15 years trading time in for my money that I have now. I have all the money I need but no time to enjoy it. I was diagnosed with Parkinsons 5 years ago and I can no longer spend time the way I wanted to with my family. I cant teach my kids how to ride bikes, drive or swim. Youre the highest form of being on this earth, whatever money you are offered, never never trade your valuable time for money. You dont know what god has in store for you sooo follow your dreams. If I had one choice in life, i would want to become an entrepreneur! A industry where I can choose my life, not someone choosing mine I was blown away, you dont know how much time you do have on this earth, and this man is a living testament to it. Please realize that youre in the right industry. No one is choosing youre future, YOU are the only person that chooses who and what youll be! Believe!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:42:17 +0000

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