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Parkinson’s Syndrome, the brutal legacy of his 21 years in the professional ring, has tightened its hold and, at 72, there are signs that his battle may soon be over. In time, many will attempt to assess the career of the most dramatically gifted and socially significant sportsman who ever lived. But in the week ahead, we shall concentrate on the 40th anniversary of his most extraordinary achievement. ‘The Rumble in the Jungle’ sounds like one of those promotional slogans which emerge from a three-bottle lunch. Yet somehow it captured the swaggering audacity of the project which saw the two most celebrated athletes on the planet fight for the richest prize in sport in the small hours of a Kinshasa morning. +15 Muhammad Ali looks on after knocking down George Foreman in the so-called Rumble in the Jungle The Greatest: Muhammad Ali in When We Were Kings October 30, 1974: Muhammad Ali versus George Foreman. The heavyweight title was at stake, and the world was captivated. The fight was made possible by the President of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko, a deeply corrupt human rights abuser, who systematically exploited the nation formerly known as the Congo for more than 30 years. Mobutu paid more than $10million to promote his own image. It was then an unimaginable sum, far more than fighters had ever commanded. But then, he was hiring the very best. Ali was 32 years old and was attempting to regain the title he had lost to Ken Norton more than a year earlier. Although many shared his own opinion that he was the greatest ‘of ahhhhhl tahm!’, they also suspected that he was past his peak, that after 46 fights his talents were eroding. +15 Ali was brought to Zaire for the fight by the infamous President of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko +15 Ali trains in front of a captive audience in Kinshasa before a cut to Foremans eye delayed the fight Above and beyond all this lay a widespread conviction that the 25-year-old Foreman was genuinely invincible, a monster, one of the most terrifying punchers the sport had known. He had won the title with a murderous dismantling of Joe Frazier, and he saw Ali as his lucrative victim. ‘My opponents don’t worry about losing,’ he said. ‘They worry about getting hurt.’ It was as near as this malevolent, taciturn presence ever came to humour. MORE... Olympic gold medallist Luke Campbell ready for bout with Daniel Brizuela AND a major summer showdown in Hull next year Carl Froch wants a last roll of the dice in Las Vegas, and Floyd Mayweather hopes to be The Best Ever - but Manny Pacquiao has lived his dream in land of the giants Tyson Fury challenges Anthony Joshua to heavyweight clash before Christmas Boxer Vido Loncar banned for life for brutally attacking referee after defeat By dazzling contrast, Ali was a force of nature; bright, funny, endlessly personable and dauntingly handsome. Somebody once wrote of a fabled heavyweight: ‘Joe Louis was a newspaperman’s champion. He always finished in time for the first edition, so the guys could get to the bar before closing.’ +15 Ali will forever be remembered as the greatest heavyweight boxer in history, but the sport took its toll +15 Ali took a lot of punishment by methodically drawing Foreman in to waste the younger fighters energy THE RUMBLE IN NUMBERS 60,000 roaring fans packed Kinshasa’s outdoor Stade du 20 Mai for the fight. 32 -year-old Ali was seven years older than his opponent and a fading former champ not expected to last more than three rounds. It is said that in the dressing room, Foreman and his ringside crew had knelt to pray that he did not kill Ali. 450 locations in the United States and Canada — and in some cinemas in the United Kingdom — screened the fight on closed-circuit television. 100 countries were estimated to have taken the fight, which was scheduled to start at 4.0am in Zaire to accommodate audiences in the US. 10 million dollars was split between the two — $5m each — paid for by President Mobutu. 45 Foreman first quit in 1977 and returned in the early Nineties — winning the world title again at 45, becoming the oldest heavyweight champion in history. Perhaps so. But when Ali started to paint his word-pictures, he made the bar seem a poor alternative. Before the Foreman fight, he ran through his repertoire. He was contemptuous: ‘Foreman’s a big old bully from Texas who used to beat up people on the streets.’ He was dismissive: ‘Foreman hits hard, sure. But hitting power don’t mean nothing if you can’t find nothing to hit.’ He spouted yards of his terrible poetry: ‘You think the world was shocked when Nixon resigned?/Wait till I whup George Foreman’s behind.’ And, right across the world, the public lapped it up. There was a false start when a sparring partner’s elbow cut Foreman’s eye and both fighters were required to remain in Zaire for a month while Foreman recovered. Ali spent much of the time storming around town and leading the locals in chants of ‘Ali, bomaye!’ (Ali, kill him!). Finally, on October 30, 1974, in the Stade du 20 Mai, before 60,000 people, a bell sounded and a fight began. +15 Ali had the locals in Zaire chanting Ali, bomaye, which translated means Ali, kill him! +15 Ali begins returning the heavyweight champion of the worlds blows with interest The legend has grown, these past 40 years, that Ali offered himself as a target, that he simply lay on the ropes and allowed Foreman to punch himself out. +15 The promotional poster for the Rumble in the Jungle Well, up to a point. Watching the fight through once again this week, it could be seen that for calculated spells, Ali encouraged Foreman to throw those scything punches, most of which were deflected by arms and gloves. But time and again he would cut loose from the ropes with bewildering combinations to the head. Foreman grew increasingly confused, unbearably weary. And all the time, Ali talked to him: ‘You was sp’osed to be bad, George! Show me something! That all you got, sucker? An’ you gettin’ tired, George. Ain’t no place to get tired ...’ And then, in the dying seconds of round eight, Ali found the energy and strength to throw the conclusive combination, and Foreman simply crumpled, exhausted, to the floor. I recall the London cinema erupting in joy and relief as the count finished and the aisles were awash with dancing, jostling figures. Ali had that effect; neutrality was not an option. I remember walking out into the Leicester Square dawn, and thinking I should never see anything quite like that again. And I never did. He would have a third fight with Frazier, a vicious battle in which both men inflicted enduring mental and physical damage. Then, as his resistance began to dissolve, every contest became an ordeal. +15 Foreman puts up his guard as Ali surges forward in what has been described as The Match of the Century +15 Referee Zack Clayton counts out foreman after Ali puts him on the canvass in the 8th round On October 2, 1980, in a casino car park in Las Vegas, I squirmed at ringside as Ali, old beyond his 38 years, was cruelly punished by Larry Holmes. He took punch after pounding punch to his unprotected head, but his perverse pride would not allow him to fall. So he stood and accepted his punishment, and the odious leeches who had taken his money and bathed in his glory simply shrugged and moved on. The illness which would ultimately devour him took hold. The speech grew slower and thicker, the reactions ponderous, the decline precipitous. As his condition became more distressing, it provoked serious moral questions about our readiness to condone such licensed barbarity. After all, if the very best of them could suffer such an excruciating fate, how can boxing hope to protect those who have only their courage to commend them? For many of us, the answer was all too obvious. +15 Ali staged three fights with the legendary Joe Frazier, which left both men physically and mentally damaged +15 Alis brash style changed the way that sportsmen behaved, although few have backed their arrogance with genius Ali left a tangled legacy. Effectively, he legitimised boasting and strident self-praise. Before Ali, sporting modesty was mandatory; you were diffident in victory, gracious in defeat. After Ali, across all our major sports, the old rules fell into disuse. We now see an ordinary footballer celebrate a goal, or a journeyman cricketer a wicket, and all too easily we summon up a vision of a brash young man from Louisville, Kentucky. But the fact that routinely escapes the capering imposters is that the young man happened to be a genius. For once, it is not too inflated a term to describe what he did and how he did it. In this anniversary week, as Ali’s condition grows increasingly hazardous, I shall recall the words of George Foreman, when he made a visit to London two or three years ago. Foreman had escaped the fate which befell Ali. He was in robust health, and he was enjoying unprecedented riches, having lent his name to a hugely successful fat-free grill. +15 Ali w
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 04:17:26 +0000

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