Ayaaaaayyyyyy!!!... They say God created Friiiidddaaaayyyy, His - TopicsExpress


Ayaaaaayyyyyy!!!... They say God created Friiiidddaaaayyyy, His wife created Saturday for shopping, finally he rested on Sunday… then the devil created Monday and nobody ever rested after that…Wa jud ni ayo ning demonyo!..We live in a world where technology is at its finest and new creations and inventions sprout like weeds…Inspite all these, to me, WOMEN is still the GREATEST CREATION OF ALL! So this week is dedicated to all the INDAYS out there... Women has always fascinated men so I did a little research on the 10 things we never knew about WOMEN. Eyes on the board mga DODONG! Here goes: 1. Women spend 2-3 hours getting all dressed up to go out but when you give her compliments, she brushes you off and says that she looks awful: Now here is what men hasnt figured out yet since the ancient times..Why the hell would she spend 3 hours fixing herself and dressing up just to look awful???...Women are a mysterious species which is why we love and adore them. -- SO MGA DODONG AYAW NALANG KAAYO UG ANALYZE. INGON ANI JUD NI ANG MGA INDAY. PARA MADAYON INYONG LAKAW, AYAW LANG PALABI UG COMPLIMENT…MAS MAAYO PA MU SMILE NALANG KA UNYA KISSAN NIMO C INDAY KAY ANG 3 HOURS MAHIMO NYA UG 6 HOURS. 2. Women argue more with men whom they really care for: Weve often had arguments with our mother our sister our girlfriend or our wife. The lesser the arguments, the more likely shes not interested.—MGA DODONG, GOOD NEWS NI GAMAY SA KATONG CGE UG LALIS SA ILANG MGA INDAY. PASABOT PINANGGA KA NIYA. PERO CUGURUHA LANG GIHAPON NGA DILI MO MAGPATAKA UG TUBAG NI INDAY KAY ANG KAMRAS DILI LALIM. 3. Women’s logic over the years has always been this – they friendzone guys who are nice to them … marry some random jerk and then dumps them. – DAGHAN NA ANG MGA DODONG ANG NA OPAW UG NA BOANG SA PAG ATTEMPT UG ANALYZE UG EXPLAIN ANI NGA PHENOMENON PERO WALA PAJUD BISAN USA MAKA EXPLAIN ANI…MAO NI ANG PINAKA WEIRD NGA MYSTERY ABOUT WOMEN. MAO NI RASON NGA NI DAGHAN ANG PARI UG MAS NIDAGHAN ANG SINGLE MOMS. MGA INDAY, TAGAE INTAWN UG CHANCE C DODONG BEFORE NIMO I FRIENDZONE! 4. The average female orgasm lasts four times longer than her male partner’s: WOMEN are LAKI este! LUCKY! – DILI LANG KO MO ELABORATE ANI KAY SURE KO NINYO MGA DODONG, KAHIBAW NAMO ANI. AHHHH LINGO-LINGO PA DAYON! 5. Women are known to speak almost about 8000 words on an average per day, a man speaks 2000 words every day.: Men often complain that most women are naggers. Now we know they’re not. Women are just wired this way. They love to chat and talk about anything all day.—AYAW NALANG MO UG REKLAMO MGA DODONG KAY KUNG MUHILOM RABA C INDAY MUINGON DAYON TA, “NGANO HILOM MAN KA? GISAPOT KA?”…or “HILOM LAGI KA RON, UNSAY SALA NAKO NIMO?” KUNG C GLOC 9 PASPAS MU RAP, MAS PASPAS MU YAWYAW C INDAY. 6. Women are known to suffer four times as many headaches as men due to hormonal imbalances: This is attributed to the occasional but random mood swings that women are prone to. I guess this right here supports the fact that most WOMEN BY NATURE ARE BIPOLAR…Their sudden mood swings which is linked to hormonal imbalances usually leads to headaches…and headaches usually lead to SAPOT…and SAPOT usually leads to LALIS with partner...and as we all know…LALIS with partner usually leads to DODONG MAKAMRASAN! 7. Whenever there’s a low point in a relationship, women will use this to test men: Most of us guys misunderstand this. She will usually act as if she’s ignoring you, this should be our cue to start focusing our attention to her. If we don’t, we’re in for some KAMRAS time. – PARA LIKAY SA KAMRAS MGA DODONG INSTEAD OF BEING INDIFFERENT TO INDAY IN THE LOWEST POINT OF A RELATIONSHIP, PAMINAWA C INDAY…KUTAWI CYA UG JUICE OR KAPE…HIMU-I CYA UG SANDWICH…PANGLABA SA IYANG BULINGON UG IBTA IYANG MGA UBAN SA BUHOK. SHARO MAKAMRASAN PA GIHAPON KA. :) 8. Women are hypnotized by dresses: It doesn’t matter if the dress needs a slimmer body, she will want to wear it no matter what. At first she will device a one week diet plan to lose weight. However, She will buy that dress anyway, thinking that she will lose weight to look good in the dress eventually. – MAO NI KITA MGA DODONG KUNG GI ANEMIA ATONG BULSA ANANG PANAHONA UNYA NAA TA SA MALL, AYAW INTAWN IPADUOL C INDAY SA MGA BOUTIQUE NGA NAMALIGYA ANING MGA BUTANGA…DIRETSO NA DALHA C INDAY SA MOVIEHOUSE. SULBAD! 9. Women are not looking for Mr Right.: Nope that is not a typo error. Most Women (not all) are looking for men whom they can turn into Mr Right. They will try to change our appearance and after 3 months this transformation will be achieved…Once achieved, they will get bored, because there is nothing else to change – DIRI NANA MAHITABO ANG MGA MAGIC-MAGIC NI INDAY. MAGSUGOD NANI UG BUTANG UG PASSWORD C INDAY SA IYANG CELLPHONE…ANG PRIVACY SETTINGS SA FB MA STRIKTO NALANG UG KALIT....MGA PICTURE NINYO SA FB NGA KAMO DUHA MAWALA LANG UG KALIT SA IYANG PHOTOS... UNYA ANG RELATIONSHIP STATUS SA FB I-HIDE NA DAYON….MAO NI PANAHONA MGA DODONG NGA HALIN KAAYO ANG REDHORSE…LESSON: WE CAN NEVER GO WRONG IF WE JUST BE OURSELVES 10. Women by nature are PSYCHICS and SCIENTISTS: With the rapid boom of social networking sites, women often use their psychic and scientific skills for analyzing what a guy is doing. This is their logic: WOMEN: “He’s not online!!! Surely he’s at home with his “other woman”! WOMEN: “Oh wait…He’s online!!! Surely he’s chatting with his “other woman”! WOMEN: “He doesn’t have a facebook or twitter account!!! Surely he doesn’t want me to know his “other woman” online! MGA DODONG, WALA JUD TAY DAG ANAN NI INDAY KAY GITAGAAN MAN GUD NI CLA UG SUPER ANALYTIC POWERS. MAO NI RASON ANG UBAN FB ACCOUNT SA MGA DODONG GIHIMO NILANG CONJUGAL…BUTANGAN DAYON UG “DANNY*SHEILA” or ANDREA-JASON ANG PROFILE NAME PARA LIKAY SA LALIS. AMPO LANG MO DONG NGA WLAY MU LIKE NGA INDAY SA INYONG MGA PICTURE UG POST PARA WALAY KAMRAS MAHITABO! Mga dodong, we have to understand that Women are a strange breed which is why they are the most beautiful creatures on earth. Always remember mga Inday...ITS OK TO GO ON A DIET BUT IF YOU WEIGH LIKE 90 LBS UNDANGA NA INTAWN..KAY YOURE NOT LOSING WEIGHT...YOURE LOSING YOUR LIFE :) Happy Fridaaaayyyyy! Enjoy your weekend...Be safe and God bless us all mga dodong ug inday! Cheers....
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 23:00:37 +0000

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