Azerbaijan is rich in many ways, from the warmth of its people to - TopicsExpress


Azerbaijan is rich in many ways, from the warmth of its people to its biodiversity and cultural heritage. A land of plentiful natural resources, centuries-old culture and deeply-engrained hospitality, Azerbaijan has always played a vital role in the Caspian and Caucasian regions. The country unites Eastern Europe and Western Asia, sharing its borders with its neighbours Iran and Turkey to the south, Russia to the north, Armenia to the west, and Georgia to the north-west. Azerbaijan is the largest and most populated region in the South Caucasus, and is roughly the size of Austria. In July 2013, the population totalled 9,411,800, with around 50% under 30 years of age. Azerbaijani is the official state language, but many locals speak Russian and English, especially in the cities. The currency in Azerbaijan is the Manat, which is approximately equal in value to the Euro. Azerbaijan enjoys a booming economy that achieved the second highest GDP growth in the world between 2000 and 2010. The boom is mainly driven by the rich oil and gas resources but a strong maritime tradition also exists thanks to its 456-kilometre long coastal border along the Caspian Sea. The economy is additionally supported by growing agriculture and tourism sectors, which the government is actively developing. Once outside the cities, there are outstanding areas of natural beauty to be found, from waterfalls and inland lakes to national parks and wildlife reserves. Visitors with an adventurous spirit and an interest in archaeology can find Roman graffiti, fortresses, stone-age rock art, mausoleums, palaces, cave tombs and the famous fire temple. Sites of naturally-occurring fire were sacred to the earliest inhabitants of the country and continued to be of significance for many centuries. This can be seen in the name Azerbaijan, which derives from the words for fire and guardian. Thanks to rock fissures that allow natural gas to escape, perpetual flames can still be seen today at the site of Yanar Dag, or burning mountain. The scenery, climate and natural resources of the country have had a great impact on the artistic thinking and creativity of the Azerbaijani people. Carpet-weaving, architecture, poetry, painting, sculpture, music and theatre have flourished here for thousands of years. Azerbaijani works of art can be found in some of the world’s major museums - the Victoria and Albert in London, the Louvre in Paris, and the Metropolitan Museum in New York, as well as collections in Vienna, Rome, Berlin, Istanbul, Tehran and Cairo. Today, Azerbaijan is particularly active in the development of transport infrastructure and energy projects. It is a driving force behind the expansion of political and economic ties between Europe and Asia and has membership of numerous world forums, including the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It also actively cooperates with the European Union, NATO and the International Monetary Fund.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:11:27 +0000

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