B/c some of you asked! Here is my Top 10 #Holiday Wishes! - TopicsExpress


B/c some of you asked! Here is my Top 10 #Holiday Wishes! #WISHLIST: amzn/w/VN651OSN670R 1) Nikon 85mm f/1.8G AF-S NIKKOR Lens 2) Etsy Gift cards so i can get more Custom Latex & cosplays from Vengeance Designs *_* 3) Monster Energy Drinks to keep me up all night while im editing n playing #SMITE! 4) This rolling thing from Lowes: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10363578... Easily THE STRANGEST request. But i want it for my scifi themed indoor studio to pose models on! Id be ok w/ a used wheel-less onethat needed to be repainted if someone snagged 1 from a local Lowes. T_T I lack a vehicle or the points in larceny to fetch it myself. Realistically this is probly more achievable LoL: amazon/gp/offer-listing/B001MDCZ2K/ref=dp_olp_new_mbc?ie=... 5) Pair of new vintage leather gloves 6) a Tablet! I dont own a cellphone or laptop so this is my life line at conventions and hipstergram haha 7) High Heel Shoes & boots. *_* 8) New webcam? 9) Food, heated blankets, flea spray etc for the stray n feral cats i take care of. ( amazon/gp/registry/wishlist/2E0PGPR9YM3PN/ref=cm_wl_rlist... ) N maybe a solution for how the hell i can run a power strip outside without starting fires? 10) To be financially stable doing what I love with the people I care about? Nah, I didnt think that would happen either LOL
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:36:57 +0000

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