BACK IN THE DAY . . . 706 years ago . . . in 1307 - WILLIAM - TopicsExpress


BACK IN THE DAY . . . 706 years ago . . . in 1307 - WILLIAM TELL, an incredible crossbow marksman, shot an apple off his sons head. Imprisoned for rebelling against Imperial rule, Tell escaped and killed the local governor, setting off the famous struggle for Swiss independence. 387 years ago . . . in 1626 - ST. PETERS BASILICA, the main church in the Vatican, was dedicated by the dazzling POPE URBAN THE EIGHTH. 111 years ago . . . in 1902 - Brooklyn toy maker Morris Michton created the first TEDDY BEAR. (The toy got its name from an incident involving Teddy Roosevelt. He was on a hunting trip when he had the opportunity to shoot a large female bear . . . but decided not to kill the beast when he spotted her cubs nearby.) 85 years ago . . . in 1928 - Animator UB IWERKS drew MICKEY MOUSE for the first time. He called the character Mortimer. Walt Disneys wumpty, Mrs. Disney, thought the name was too stuffy . . . she told Walt to change it to Mickey Mouse. 47 years ago . . . in 1966 - U.S. ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS did away with the rule against eating meat on Fridays. Now they only avoid Friday meat during Lent. 35 years ago . . . in 1978 - Satans nephew, the Reverend JIM JONES, persuaded 900 of his followers to commit suicide in Jonestown, in the jungles of Guyana. The members of the Peoples Temple cult suicided by drinking Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. DONT DRINK THE KOOL-AID, MAN!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 12:59:30 +0000

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