Chapter 2 - The Dinner Table - I walked into the room seeing - TopicsExpress


Chapter 2 - The Dinner Table - I walked into the room seeing the dragon warrior and the furious five all sitting at the table. Oh, there he is now. Master Yunson said as I walked in the room. I walked over and took my seat next to Yunson not making eye contact with anyone. Diego, this is Po, Mantis, Crane, Viper, Monky, and Tigress. Master Yunson explained to me. I looked up with a smile. Nice to meet you all, I said then started to eat my food. It was silent, So Po, what brings you and the Furious Five to our village? Master Yunson asked the dragon warrior. Well, we were fighting wolves in our village but they ran out of town and came here. So we followed them. The dragon warrior explained. But when we got here, someone was already kicking some Kung Fu butt! Which was totally awesome!!! He added looking in my direction. Yes, Diego has some talent, when our village is in danger he usually takes care of the problem. Master Yunson told them. Just him, no one else? Crane asked. All our men are useless. One punch of a wolf will kill them instantly. All except Diego, hes was the only one thats strong enough. We did ask the people of the village to try and fight but they all get scared… I looked at Yunson. Umm, so who wants desert?! Master Yunson said changing the subject. They all looked at me when I glanced at Yunson making him change the subject. I simply ignored them and continued eating. Later on when deserts arrived, everyone started to eat. So, where is your village located? Master Yunson asked them. Not far from here. Viper replied. Just past the mountains, Tigress added. I glanced at her when she spoke, Ive never heard her voice before, she looked at me then I turned away ignoring her continuing to eat my food. Ah yes, Master Shifu lives there? Yunson asked. Yeah why, do you know him? Po. Were old friends, No way! How do you guys know each other?! Po asked. It was when we were very little and just learned about Kung Fu. We use to practice every day, we were very good friends. He was always a jokester but then we got older, more advanced in Kung Fu. Then one day Master Oogway came along and asked Shifu to come move to The Jay Palace so Oogway can teach him the true meaning of Kung Fu. Master Oogway was the greatest master of all time, who wouldnt accept his offer? So Shifu left… Yunson trailed off. Everyone was silent, It would be nice to see him again. He added. I wonder why Shifu never told us before. Pon wondered. Yunson sighed, Probably forgot… He replied. Im sure Master Shifu didnt forget. Viper said. After all he is your best friend. Monky added. Hey, maybe you and Diego should come to The Jay Palace. Po suggested, I immediately looked up at the dragon warrior. No. Im not sure… I dont think Master Shifu has time, hes probably very busy. Yunson replied. No, hell be glad if you came. Po told him. I looked at Master Yunson as he thought. Dont. Say. Yes. Thank you for the offer but Im sure he has better things to do. He replied. I sighed in relief. Oh come on, he wouldnt have anything else better to do. Mantis said. Yeah, it would be nice for you to come. Viper added. You guys need to catch up, Monky. Everyone started to try and convince Master Yunson. They were so loud I couldnt even hear myself think! Okay! Yunson finally agreed. I scooted my chair out which made a loud noise, I stood up and all eyes were locked on me. Goodnight. My voice was rough and tense, not meeting eye contact I walked out of the room not saying another word. Back At The Dinner Table… Im sorry for his behavior, dont take it personally he… doesnt get much visitors. Master Yunson said apologizing to the dragon warrior. Why? Tigress asked, everyone looked at her when she spoke. They were shocked when she was the one to ask why. Usually Tigress could care a less about other people. Well, Diego isnt much of an… open person. Master Yunson explained trying to find the right words. He keeps all his emotions inside… hes sorta…hardcore. Doesnt laugh, cry, or care. The only emotion he does show is anger… He trailed off. Tigress flinched when Master Yunson said that he was hardcore, she frowned looking down. Suddenly, the bell rang and it was ten Oclock. Its getting late, we should get going. Viper says. You guys should come tomorrow at around 2pm She added. Well be there…Yunson trailed off. I hope. He thought.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:21:36 +0000

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