BAD ALIMS (SCHOLARS OF RELIGION) Inclination nd love of the alims - TopicsExpress


BAD ALIMS (SCHOLARS OF RELIGION) Inclination nd love of the alims to the world is a stain on their beautiful faces. Even though the people benift from them, their ilim(knowledge) do not benift themselves. Despite the religion is reinforced through them, this does not hv any importance. B/c from time to time reinforcement of the religion may occur by the sinfull, by the 1 whose belef is weak nd loose. Our beloved prophet (s.a.w) commanded the following: "Surely, Allah Taala reinforces His religion with a sinful person." They resemble to the stone of faris. If iron is attached to them, it becomes gold. But itself remains as a stone. Surely, ilim is harmful for themselves. As a matter of fact, our beloved prophet (s.a.w) commanded, "in the Day of judgment, the severset torment is to the alims, whon Allah did benefit themselves with their ilim." b/c their ilim (knowledge) will be an evidence against them. They abuse ilim which is the most honorable of everything before Allah by utilizing it to earn wordly benefits, positions nd friends. Teaching, rendering fatwas ( religous opinions) benefits the person if these r done fore earning the divine consent of Allah without the intentions of gaining wordly loves nd benefits of wordly assets, positions. The signs of this r turning away from nd not inclining towards to these. One from the eminent scholars saw shaytan sitting idle without deceiving the people. He asked the reason of his sitting comfortable like this. Shaytan said the following: During these times the bad alims r helping me a lot, they r misguiding the people for me nd they r making comfortable." Indeed, these days, all the weaknesses nd shortcomings in the religious issues nd spread of religion is due to the ill-fated bad intentions of the bad alims. Yes, if they had turned away from the world, if they rescued themselves from the greed of collecting assets, properties nd acquiring positions, they would hv been the heritors of the prophets aleyhimussalam. If u agree like, share nd comment!!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 21:44:54 +0000

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