How did it get to be December already? Just realized I still owe - TopicsExpress


How did it get to be December already? Just realized I still owe my brother 7 things you might know... from last month. 1. I was almost born in a VW bus but my parents got through L.A. traffic just in time and I was born in a hospital which was later sold and became the fortress-like world headquarters for the church of Scientology. 9 years later my mom actually delivered my brother herself when the staff of the birthing clinic she went to in Las Vegas all left to have lunch while she was in labor. Mom is a bad ass. 2. English is the second language I spoke as a child, but my Spanish is pitiful now because I havent spoken it in years. Confronting my shyness and perfectionism could probably open up a lot more opportunities and experiences in my life. 3. Despite being nicknamed the Garbage Disposal in elementary school for my ability to finish everyones lunch leftovers, I was so freakishly undersized that there was talk for a while of treating me with HGH to make me grow. Once in the airport in Vegas my step dad saw Herve Villechaize (Tattoo from Fantasy Island) sitting at a bar and convinced him to hang out with me to try to convince me that being short was cool. 4. The first sunglasses I ever owned were a pair of Ray Ban Aviators which were given to me by an exiled Afghan prince who was a dinner guest of my grandparents. My family is a lot cooler than me. 5. I had some hard times growing up, including escaping an abduction attempt by 4 super creepy scumbag dudes which pretty much sewed up a pervasive distrust and avoidance of people. I let this and some other things build a habit of being stand-offish and closed off to other people for most of my life. Im working on changing this about myself a little more every day, and am lucky enough to have some really good people in my life who make it easier for me all the time. 6. In 7th grade I stabbed a kid in the hand with a fork because (a) he had been trying to get over on me as a bully for about a week previous, and (b) he crossed the line by putting his hand into my lunch tray. By 8th grade we were best friends and had embarked on a wild scheme of his design to become the most popular kids in our school - which actually worked. Being popular was so boring and lame that we quit and went back to our mutual obsessions with Frisbee, Ninjas and Dungeons & Dragons, and actually had fun for the rest of the school year. That summer we discovered the magical combination of skateboarding and punk rock, and my life changed for the better forever. 7. Like my brother Jesse Cunningham I dont believe in god, but have a soft spot for religious teachings and principles. Almost every day I read, listen to the news and see people living on the streets, sick, broken and hungry. The first thing that pops into my head is the expression There, but for the grace of God, go I. Whatever difficulties I may have faced in my life I have received enough food, shelter, guidance, opportunity and love to live in relative luxury and ease compared to most people alive today or who have ever lived. Gratitude is a perspective I hope I never lose.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:46:35 +0000

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