BARACK OBAMA IS STILL A HERO OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! I have been following reports on Fox News about the current so called problems with Obamacare, and how it is alleged that President Obama lied to the American people. That he told Americans long ago that their healthcare and physicians would not be changed by Obamacare, but in reality, he knew all along that it would change, and millions of Americans would lose their healthcare and physicians, and would have to sign up for Obamacare. Well, any American who has a keen sense of understanding and foresight to see beyond the raucous knows that it is only another attempt by a handful of Republicans and haters of Obama to discredit President Obama and turn the American people against him. It is just another attempt of the haters of Obama, as it has been throughout the history of America, to turn the nation against the positive efforts of the Black man for all Americans and hurt him. It is very clear to me that if Obamacare fails today, then it was sabotaged and destroyed by the handful of Republicans who have the power to manipulate the insurance companies to do their biddings to destroy Obamacare and hurt the American people just to turn them against Obama. This heartless and evil effort of the haters of Obama will not succeed! God made it possible for Obama to become a two-term president of our great nation to attempt to change the evils of racism, prejudice, discrimination, and nepotism that have prevailed in America since independence. The black man has been an integral proponent for the freedom and liberties of all people in this great nation, and for centuries he has been unjustly treated, prosecuted, impoverished, and murdered. Thus, the era of Obama is an era of Divine Reconciliation and Peace among the races in America; and NO man, woman or entity beyond the stars on on this earth can tamper with or destroy it!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:58:58 +0000

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