BART EHRMAN...AS RELIABLY INSIGHTFUL AS BART SIMPSON Want to know what Jesus really believed, what he meant by what he said, what he thought about himself? Bart Ehrman knows...or at least he says he does. There is no reliable, indisputable evidence that the Jesus mentioned in the bible is a true historical figure. He may have been a composite of several individuals who preached a message of anti-earthly government advocacy and so came to the attention of Roman authorities. Those who accept the bible as god inspired would scoff. But secular reporters of the time refer to a number of individuals who traveled around speaking about a messianic kingdom on earth that would displace Rome. Some of these traveled widely throughout the empire to make similar speeches before large audiences of people displeased with the Roman government. So it is likely that the coming messiah prophesied in the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) was a compilation of those with an interest in having that prophecy come true. Its not surprising that their writings later were selected and then ratified (at the Hippo and Carthage synods) as part of the biblical canon, while works not entirely in synch with by then accepted church doctrine were rejected. Regardless, the new insights Bart Ehrman preaches are simply more of his own interpretations of what other men wrote who were often relying on information from still others with an interesting tale or two to tell. To those enthralled with their belief in their own belief and brimming with faith in their own faith, Ehrman seems a god-send. For those who require factual evidence in their belief system, Ehrmans insights are pathetically lacking in any proof that Jesus was a genuine historical figure. salon/2014/03/23/did_jesus_think_he_was_god_new_insights_on_jesus_own_self_image/
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:13:46 +0000

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