BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE A few days ago, my wife of hosted - TopicsExpress


BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE A few days ago, my wife of hosted an incredible empowerment convention where we had some of the worlds finest teachers, motivational speakers and life experts. Amongst the array of guests she hosted was Dr. Cindy Trimm, a high impact teacher, a best selling author, a transformational leader and former senator of Bermuda. Amongst several of her traits, Dr. Trimm has an undeniable ability to provoke change. As I sat listening to this very intelligent lady speak on transformation, my mind couldnt help but wonder how many people are waiting for change to happen around them and are agitated and frustrated while they wait instead of being the change they hope to see. Authentic change, no matter what it is occasioned by validates Wayne Dyers words: If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change! Have you been stuck lately in a cycle of complaining, wishing things were different and desiring that somebody would do something about it? Well, you are that somebody. If you think the difference one person can make may not suffice, think of what would happen, if nobody does anything. Things would first remain as they are then grow worse. The power of one is all thats needed to initiate, to introduce and to ignite the motion of change. One idea, one courageous step, one decision, one word by one person is all thats needed to begin transformation. Sometimes the only thing we need is for one person to stand up and say no to oppression, molestation or poverty and the ripple effect takes root and kicks off an avalanche of force. Instead of standing in the peripheries, pointing out the mistakes others are making; take the lead, take the initiative, speak less and do more. It will surprise you how much will change when you change. The world is not the way you think it is, it is only that way because of the way you see it. And while your perspective is limited by your realities and experiences, the world is not conformed to your realities and perspective. When you change how you see, a lot will change in the same world you have been looking at and complaining about. It is not always your environment thats bad, your change in perception will many times occasion an improvement of experiences. What is standing in front of you, barricading your line of sight and obstructing your movement does not need to change, it is you that must define how to circumvent it. The truth is; bad perspectives birth bad experiences so instead of cursing your world, hating people and fighting situations, why dont you discover the good in the bad and remember that the best thing you can do about the worst is to get the best out of it. In the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi, “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” In other words, an action oriented life is far more fruitful that one of grumbling and murmuring. The life of a complainer is filled with misery but the life of the diligent man is filled with progress, with quantifiable results and with an internal satisfaction thats beyond the levels of any external source. Being the change we want to see must be predicated upon a decision to be people of action.; people who follow what they say with actions because actions speak louder than words. It is this pattern of living that has an infectious impact; imagine if we all did something about what was bothering us instead of waiting for somebody else? There would be more solutions than problems! And more answers than questions. Many people are stuck and stagnant because they are still whining about their pain, narrating their disadvantage and singing their inconvenience. They hold dear their unfortunate experiences and are so proud of their episodes of molestation that instead of walking over them, they narrate them with great detail to solicit mercy, arouse selfpity and provoke selfish attention for manipulation. There are others who even feel their stories are more compleling, even entertaining than the rest of us, forgetting that destiny is not about how lethal your testimonies sound or how dangerous your experiences were while on your way to greatness. It is accepting the assignment set up for you with its challenges, trials and pain but carrying it out with fervency, excellence and gusto regardless of how unfair you may feel it is. On the other hand, personal pain is personal; keep it personal. Our journeys shall vary, our experiences shall differ and our paths shall be separate because individual achievements are just that; individual! Our lives are uniquely different therefore we dont compete against each other but rather against mediocrity in our own lives. Every one of us has a grace, a race and a pace that is tailor-made for us individully and your pain and the realities of toil may never go away: so ignore them and simply entirely apply yourself towards your dreams until you fulfill all that God has called you to. Furthermore, everyone has tantalizing and sizzling stories of the great dark moments they have endured so yours is neither special nor unique! Instead of complaining about the inconvenience, simply make your contribution with joy and maturity; with stillness and calmness While the rest of the world complains about anything and everything, take time and make your contribution by changing yourself. The world will be definitely be a better place with one more changed soul. Have a productive week and whatever you do, be the Change you want to see... God bless Bishop
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:30:35 +0000

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