BEFORE ANYONE MAKE ANY UNFAIR CONDEMNATION LETS UNDERSTAND WHY WE HAVE WATER CRISIS TODAY. 1. Since Merdeka we continue opening up jungles and water catchment areas indiscriminately. The British surveyed the whole peninsula and gazetted many forest which suppose to remain untouched. Unfortunately since merdeka most of this areas has been opened. One good example is Bukit Antarabangsa and Bukit Sungai Putih in Hulu Langat. 2. Unlike singapore that plan for water conservation since merdeka we could not care less. We did not plan. WE HAVE VERY POOR FORWARD PLANNING SYSTEM. In peninsula we fight among states instead of planning holistic supply system throughout malaysia but instead water for one state belongs to that state and that state plan for its own needs. 3. Not respecting water. At home we waste water. The government since merdeka and especially since Syabas was privatize failed to reduce NRW. For every 100 L treated water is produced 35L is loss along the way. The Khir Toyo government reduced JBAS funds and force it to be sold to Syabas and Puncak Niaga. 4. Despite having problem, the FG is pushing for a new highway to be build in the forest that supplies water to the Klang Gate dam. The new highway KLORR is passing through hutan simpan gombak, hutan simpang ampang, hutan simpan Hulul langat. Its the SSG that block this in 2008. SSG proposed that new highway be build on top of existing road but FG says it is not suitable as it cannot be called KLORR (KL outer ring road!) what kind of argument is this? In 2014, FG is pushing this again. 5. We should blame ourselves for our stupidity in not managing the basic need of life. Isnt 90% of human body is made of water?
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 12:45:14 +0000

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