BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!..... The situation at hand is so - TopicsExpress


BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!..... The situation at hand is so enormous and there is no room for being ambitious or going for the spectacular. I had an option of either bringing this forward as an Open Letter, but I feel getting the message out there without a gaudy attempt of it is my priority. I was away in Bida last weekend and I had to rush down to Lagos to meet with a superior...a Boss...a Leader...a retired Colonel of the Nigerian Army. He shared something with me which got me thinking and appreciate the danger the present insurgency have on our sovereignty. After the 1976 coup, 1977 was the year, my host told me he received signal/order to move his division from Postikum in Gongola State to Kukawa in Borno State. He said it was just months after he took over from the Commanding officer, a Colonel and he just got promoted to the rank of a Colonel. The directive came as a result of the crisis in Postikum whereby soldiers were being thrown into the jail house on the order of the Emir of the town. He said troops moved in, freed the soldiers, apprehended the Emir and had him bound/chained. His ego was bruised, his reputation demystified. It was obvious the host community will be hostile. Message had been sent across and well taken-in by the host community. On getting to Kukawa, he said he found something so profound and all what is happening now, I mean the insurgency is confirming his age-long fears.. He said it was more like a Camerounian territory. He gave me a lecture about the National Council of Nigerians and the Camerouns, a political party of Nigerians and Camerounians led by Late Herbert Macaulay and Late Nnamadi Azikwe. It was a political party in Nigeria in Nigeria from 1944 till it desolution in 1966... He said his boys cross into Cameroon and come back with seized cache of arms from their side after skirmishes or crises.. Borno, Adamawa, Taraba, part of Gombe, and Yobe, are the states in the present day Nigeria which were formerly part of the Sardauna province that came to Nigeria in 1961 through plesbcite which was administered by the United Nations Organisation under a trusteeship. It said they were indeed Camerounians and they were different. In my last correspondence to President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, I was bold to make an assertion that Cameroun and France are believed to be an interested party and probably sponsoring the insurgency. My analysis... I still hold on strongly to my strong conviction that we are, or safe to say we have a State Sponsored Terrorism. What I believed happened is that France and Cameroun latched unto an existing plot to hatch their plans. It is believed Nigeria still control the oil rich part of Bakassi Peninsula. The fight over the peninsula by Cameroun with Frances backing turned out to be a conquest for a worthless parcel of land. Moreover, the rejection of the people trapped in the troubled land to see themselves as Camerounians makes it more complicated. A bad case...a war lost from inception. Please do bear in mind that France has lost her influence and economic footing in Africa. Only a few colonies of hers are still within are whims and control. China and Russia have taken over. In furtherance of my analysis, while speaking and analysing the situation with a friend, someone I fondly call Egbon who is in the Intelligence community, he said these guys (the insurgents) have a map. They know what they want. They want to carve out some states strategic to their interest. He expressed his frustration over the ignorance of the top echelon of the Military and Intelligence Community to this perspective, and how being bound by the National Secret Act will never make him go public with some positions. We both agree some misfits in the system are looking for scapegoats. Back to my analysis, we both agreed on the fact that since Borno borders Cameroun and Chad and by extension Niger, this is why those three (3) Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe are under siege. There is also an independent geographical report/survey which claims there is oil in Borno, Zamfara, Bauchi and evidence of future discovery in Sokoto State. Such is enough motive to capture those states are used as a bargaining chip for oil rich part of Bakassi to support us rid our land of the insurgents. Now they will make specific request, they will be audacious and we will be in an awkward position not to accept. We will be at their mercy. Do not be confused, this is no ISIS, these guys (insurgents) are copycats, they will replicate the campaigns of ISIS to shield their true identity, and probably hoping to court the attention, support, and collaboration of ISIS through their activities which has seen an upsurge, and will still witness further upsurge. The insurgency will take a turn with brazen attack on humanity and our sovereignty. The latest attacks on Gombe and Bauchi is believed to the next phase of their campaigns. I strongly believe these two (2) states are not on their map, it is to create a diversion. They are following an old trick in the book. Move your troops to the East while you real target you will be attacking is the West. These attacks I believe is to draw the military away from their location into an asymmetrical war; thus exposing Abuja and other states. There had been massive redeployment of troops from Niger, Kaduna, and with the recent affront, more will be deployed even from Lagos. This will reduce military presence in most states especially those in the North, so when they strike, the resistance they will meet will amount to nothing and the whole region if not the whole country will be under the siege of the insurgents. I am also of the strong conviction that there will be pocket of attacks in cities like Benin, Asaba, Enugu, Ibadan, Lokoja, Port Harcourt, Calabar, Suleja, Jalingo and Ilorin just to mention a few. This I believe will be done within a month, depending on their schedule before they go for the kill. The kill is the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. A lot of you may be wondering why Im this convinced? These are no Nigerians... These are no Northerners or Muslims, the are invaders...these are mercenaries.... These are mercenaries backed by either a foreign nation or nations. Ive been to the North, Insha Allah, I will be in the North few days time.. Ive met with Northerners....Ive met with Muslims from the North... No Northerner...No Nigerian will be slaughtering Nigerians in this manner...No Nigerian will be destroying Nigeria like this because of quest for political or religious dominance. Before it is too late, this is the time for President Goodluck ebele Jonathan to get off his butt and act. Im a Christian and I read my Bible so well. Never did I see in my Bible where Saul or David went to the altar to pray or burn incense to God while Israel was at war They, at different times led their army to war, so President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan should get off his but and act!! We are at war and this is no time for one guy crying and whipping up needless sentiments that we should pray for him or pray for our country. He should act like a C-in-C or get out!! Before it is too late, he needs to stop playing politics and appreciate the danger facing us as a nation. Before it is too late, he needs to be in the situation room (if any) and appraise the situation. Before it is too late, President Goodluck Jonathan need to evaluate the support of Cameroun, Chad and France to ascertain if he, and the nation is not being deceived. Before it is too late, President Goodluck Jonathan needs to fulfil his statutory responsibility to protect the sovereignty of this country and also the lives and properties of Nigerians irrespective of their tribe, religion or geographical location on the map. Before it is too late, he needs to rid our land of this insurgents irrespective of which party is calling the shots in those states. Before it is too late, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan needs to act before this consume us all...before the final push by the insurgents. I will avail you a list of some towns in the former Sardauna Province and see how many has fallen? I will list them out in a bid to validate my argument and analysis. I will list them out to prove that they have a map they are working with. I will list them out for you all to see how scary it is when you see the number of it which has been taken over by the insurgents. They are; Mubi, Michika, Madagali, Gwoza, Biu, Hauwal, Bama,Gulak, Bazza, Gella, Kwaja, Mayonguli, Mayobani, Uba and Kukawa,(Cross Kuwa and Baga. Before it is too late, before Nigeria becomes an history or redefined or reshaped, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan must act... He should please act... Im pleading passionately pleading he should do something...he should get serious before it is too late!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 09:28:17 +0000

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