BEGINNING IN 15 MINUTES YOU CAN BECOME AN INCREDIBLE SUCCESS! No, this isnt an Amway commercial or an endorsement for the Georgia Lotto. It is a game plan from God! Here now is your personal success plan. I am not going to charge you a consultants’ fee. You’re welcome. But I do strongly encourage you to have your Bible in hand and please y’all, take the time to go to each Scripture and digest it. God’s thoughts on this subject are so much better than mine (one is human reason --- one is supernatural truth!). Promise? Oh thank you. What I’m about to laid on you is a plan I have developed as a leader over thousands of young men whose lives I was able to know intimately and then watch in wonder their metamorphosis in manhood. This plan changed me quite dramatically many years ago now. Get excited, your life is about to soar with the eagles! One of the unique approaches to my game-planning for an opponent is something 99.9% of all coaches admit to me at the clinics I speak at---my approach is not something they have ever thought about. The guys who go home and apply this philosophy always send me great reviews of their new found success. What is it? I measure an opponent. Each opponent will have a “game personality.” They will have a certain pattern and tendencies in quarter #1, and a second quarter pattern different from the first quarter---and so on for both the 3rd & 4th quarters. We play to take advantage of our opponent’s quarter by quarter tendencies. We play to win one quarter at a time. And so it will be with your plan of success. Let’s win all 4 quarters---one at a time. 1. BELIEF IN SELF. Whoa coach! You’re actually going to start by propagating a secular humanistic philosophy?!?! Believing in yourself is quite Biblical folks. The fact we are to deny self and take up our cross, the mandate that He must increase and I must decrease has nothing to do with believing in the person God made me. You see, I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ my Lord! I am beautifully and wonderfully made! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind! Ya feel me? I’m somebody, God don’t make no junk! One of my observations as I watch my boys grow into men---many succeed even when others do not believe in them---but rarely has any one boy succeeded when he doesn’t believe in himself. By the way, low self-esteem is a result of constant focus on self. Me, me, me. How do I look? What do others think of me? Am I going to get criticized or worse yet fail? On and on it goes. Stop it! Stop it this very moment in your life. Confess to God your doubting His handiwork! All of these self-esteem issues are directly accusing God of below average workmanship. Or, even more erroneous, we think God has reserved his best for others. Just as a day without prayer is a boast against God---conversely, belief in your blueprint is an affirmation of your Christ-confidence. Come on brothers and sisters---let’s go dominate this 1st quarter!!! More to come...
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 08:57:45 +0000

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