BENEFITS OF THE KETONE DIET. EPILEPSY. When an epileptic goes - TopicsExpress


BENEFITS OF THE KETONE DIET. EPILEPSY. When an epileptic goes into properly managed ketone diet the fits stop, thus demonstrating the epilepsy is caused by hypoglycaemia. The beta cell of the pancreas no longer play a role in ketosis. When a diabetic injects to much insulin he has seizures. When an individual has an insulinoma, ie cancer of the beta cells that constantly spit out insulin, free of control by the nervous system he experiences status epilepticus, fit after fit. . DIABETES. The diabetic is no longer hyperglycaemic as the body is now running on ketones, not glucose. The high blood pressure caused by glucose gunking up blood vessels (non enzymatic glycosation of protein) now goes into reverse as this gunk dissolves and the blood vessels become more flexible with a much greater gap between systolic and diastolic blood pressure. CHOLESTEROL. Blood cholesterol concentration now falls, because glucose in excess is converted to cholesterol. (A side effect of taking Statins is diabetes 2, high blood glucose, because the pathway from glucose to cholesterol is blocked at Acetyl Co Enzyme A). As plaques lining blood vessels also contain LD cholesterol trapped in the glucose then this too disappears to be metabolized by the liver. ALZHEIMERS. Alzheimers patients show a marked improvement in cognitive function when given a diet containing short chain fatty acids which convert to ketones. Although they still have glucose in their bloodstream their brains shows a preference for these ketones for fuel. There seems to be evidence that proteins within neurons are spontaneously glycosated or gunked up with glucose, hence the preference for ketones as they use only part of the pathway (TCA cycle) used by glucose. Thus, (leaving plaques of beta amyloid aside), it seems that Alzheimers is a product of excessively high sugar diet among other things.. CANCER. As cancer cells become increasingly malignant they use more and more glucose and less and less oxygen Thus they have to ferment glucose by anaerobic glycolysis. This is supposed to result from mitochondrial DYSFUNCTION. Well it aint. It is programmed to protect the cell against damage by free radicals of oxygen. A fully anaerobic cell uses 16 times more glucose than one operating aerobically. Thus the theory is, and more and more evidence is coming out that a ketone diet will kill cancer cells, at least the more malignant ones. Now its most unlikely that the diet described in which each fast only lasts a day will put one into ketosis although Im not denying its health benefits over doing nothing. For a lot of weight loss and other major health problems the long term ketone diet has got to be the shot, but taking it very easy to build up liver and kidney function. You can monitor your level of ketosis with AMES Ketostix. The Aitkins diet of meat, eggs, cheese and fish is way too nutritionally deficient and constipating. However a vegetarian diet is fine.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:06:25 +0000

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