BEYOND NATIONAL CONCERN Bored beyond national concern is the - TopicsExpress


BEYOND NATIONAL CONCERN Bored beyond national concern is the incessant ugly news that always filters our airwaves at news time in spite of all efforts to persuade aggrieved persons to shield their sward and embrace peace as the only panacea for mutual co-existence amongst peoples with religious, cultural and tribal divides. It has been proven scientifically, medically and religiously that problems identified are problems half solved. Our problems has been identified as systemic which calls for holistic overhaul of the system. This is achievable if all stakeholders – Nigerians would bury whatever constitutes our differences – Religion, ethnicity, tribal segregations, ego, status, pride, arrogance, bitterness, hatred, greed, selfishness and self-centeredness and strive earnestly for things that promotes peace, unity, brotherly love and kindness, of course, esteeming others more than self. Patriotism would replicate our watchword and national anthem. The eastern, western, northern and southern divisibility would fizzle out on its own accord, and Nigeria would regain her lost glory and be a country to desire by all tribes of the earth. This is possible! The option is ours to redeem our once enviable positions on the committee of nations. How? Discipline of course! This conspicuous secret built up great nations and countries of the world. If this ten letter words is imbibed in the lives of over 165 million population of Nigeria, we shall be a glowing light in the dark world.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:42:55 +0000

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