BLUDDY WHIPPERSNAPPERS! (Long version) Harrrumpppphhh! So they - TopicsExpress


BLUDDY WHIPPERSNAPPERS! (Long version) Harrrumpppphhh! So they had a party last night, two floors up. On their balcony. And they can’t sing for nuts. That’s all of the blokes – and the girl. ‘Cept she ain’t no girl. Used to be – once. Now she’s approaching crone age. And sings like one already. Bloody awful. The last time she made so much racket she said it was as tribute to her father who’d recently passed. He was into music. If he can hear now I reckon he might not be rockin’, but he’d sure be rollin’. Anyway, she just went down the stairs and away somewhere – 12 hours too late. I feel awful. I need more coffee than I’ve got here, just to begin to feel normal. Anyway she went tripping down the stairs, She be like: “dum de dum de dum …”. skippy, skippy, dance, skip. All whoopy do and happy. And I be like: so where’s a vengeful god when you need one? WELL? Somehow I have to find something good about last night so I can think about THAT. Well, I did eat the second half of my pizza at midnight. It was cold, but of course it tasted good. So there was that. That was sort of good. I mean, that was going to be breakfast, and I suppose it sort of was. I ate it to make me feel good. But of course I still had to have breakfast when I woke at my normal time. So do I skip lunch now to make up for the extra calories? I sure don’t feel like going for a run to work them off. I don’t even feel like going for a walk! I want to sleep. And I’ve tried. But I can’t. i just feel awful. And there she was: trippy trippy trippy. All happy and shit. Gees. What if this is karma for something I’ve done? That means it was MY fault she had a party and invited all of those Neanderthals along to howl at the moon with her. Bloomin’ heck! Wracking my brain here … when was I ever so inconsiderate? I can’t think. My head has gone into la la land. Have you ever draped a wet dishcloth over the tap in you kitchen sink? Well that’s how I feel. My body feels like that and my head feels like that. All unhappy and droopy. No happy in me at all. Blah. That’s me. Blah! And she’s all bloody happy happy happy. Whoopy whoopy doo doo! Well I hope all of those bloke know that they had a better time than their brain cells would have. I bet there’s a good fewer of them still in existence now. Dead brain cells fallin’ outa their ears I’ll bet. And they all be like: Snoooooooore! An’ I be like: Bastards!!!! Bless you. Bless you. Bless you. Poor little sainted beings. It’ll catch up with them some day though. It’s a shame it’s their brain cells that die. If it was their reproductive genes that rolled over and died, maybe eventually they couldn’t breed and only people who don’t get drunk and howl at the moon would be the only people left. I think that would be an improvement. It just worries me that I brought this to myself. Somehow. Although maybe there is another way to look at it. Maybe I’m just getting to be a grumpy old man. Bugga! I’d better have another coffee I think. And a bit of thinking today. No action. No walking. And even my thinking might be a bit slow. Well, thank heavens for tomorrows. I’ll be better tomorrow. Even if it is Monday. But hold on … it’s a holiday. Thank you God. There’s always tomorrow, hey God. You’re alright, you know that! I’ll just hang around like a wet dishcloth today and be all bright and sparkly tomorrow. And bless their little cotton socks, those sweet little revellers. They’ll be old some day. You have a great day hey, everyone else. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow. Just not today.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:52:18 +0000

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