『BN’s fear of truth-seekers』 The DPM said the display of - TopicsExpress


『BN’s fear of truth-seekers』 The DPM said the display of the Sang Saka Malays was politically motivated. Even if it was, what was so wrong in that? What was it about the Sang Saka Malaya that left BN insecure to the point that it had scramble to its feet to find scapegoats for reasons best known to it? How will putting a poet behind bars make a difference to the BN government? To abuse the Sedition Act and punish Malaysians for having the courage to fight against injustices is fast becoming the hallmark of BN. Is the BN government so unsure of its standing in the eyes of the rakyat that it had to despatch the police at midnight to nab Samad? How has Muyhiddin arrived at the conclusion that flying the Sang Saka Malaya flag was politically propelling? What about the murder of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu? Was her death by C4 explosives not politically connected? What about the fact that despite having been rejected by the rakyat, former Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Jalil has been appointed as special adviser on women affairs to Najib? Is this not an obvious case of political agenda at work? The flimsy tale cooked up by the Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar that Samad had gone into hiding when the police went to his house to arrest him past midnight has further damaged the battered image of the police force. Khalid claimed the arrest was made according to procedures and that the police went to Samad’s house on Tuesday afternoon but the national laureate was not at home. “Samad returned home at midnight and tried to sneak but we caught him. Why blame the police for arresting someone who shamelessly desecrated the flag of our beloved country?,” was Khalid’s outburst. The IGP claimed that the police had urged Samad to surrender himself but he failed to do so. The truth as Samad has pointed out is something else. “I was at home. I was not in hiding. I was at home all the time, though I did go for a walk at Bangsar and had tea at a mamak shop near my house,” he was reported as saying. The tables have now turned with Samad, more popularly known as Pak Samad, accusing Khalid of fabricating a story to justify the 12.40am Sept 4 arrest at his home in Bangsar.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 15:58:54 +0000

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