BONNIE FAULKNER: So the government — is . . . CATHERINE - TopicsExpress


BONNIE FAULKNER: So the government — is . . . CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: There is no government. Theres no government because theres no information sovereignty, and theres no financial sovereignty. And what your watching is an infrastructure of private banks and defense contractors who run the whole thing. Listen to this scary interview — better to know than not to know. Heres a partial transcript of a very notable part — [time=32:00] BONNIE FAULKNER: So the whole country is being privatized. CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Its not being privatized, its been privatized. In other words — its funny — I was talking about this on a radio show once, and one of the most senior, capable, uh, sort of leaders of the Civil Service that Id ever worked with at HUD was retired. He called me and said, It cant possibly be this bad. And I said, I defy you to find anybody at HUD who can explain to you how the current budget works. And he said, OK, Ill bet you a dollar. A year later he was driving through and he said, Come and have dinner with me. So I went down to Red Lobster, and he walked in and said, Its frightening. He said theres no one there in the Civil Service who understands or has any handle on the money thats all being run through the private contractors. So, when you look at the government, Bonnie, most people see 21 government and then the intelligence agencies. So they see a whole series of intelligence agencies. I dont. I see five contractors who run and share all the database, and I see one giant database. OK? And its all privately controlled. As far as Im concerned. So, when people talk about NASA collecting all the information? Yes, theyre collecting it, but theyre aggregating it with those databases which are ten, twenty, thirty years old, and have been run — yknow, God knows what that all gets aggregated and looks like now. But its quite extraordinary. BONNIE FAULKNER: So the government — is CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: There is no government. Theres no government because theres no information sovereignty, and theres no financial sovereignty. And what your watching is an infrastructure of private banks and defense contractors who run the whole thing. Now lets bring it down to 2006. 2006, George H. W. Bushs son is president. What happens? We — we know we have the Dodd-Frank reforms coming, and, sort of, people insisting on higher quality SEC transparency and disclosure because of all the problems with the internet and telecom stocks, ENRON and questions about fraud in the equity market — what happens in 2006, the president announces that he is authorizing the National Security Council to give wavers to private corporations so that they dont have to comply with SEC rules. So the National Security Council can waive any of these contractors who are getting Black Budget contracts, or getting secret contracts or getting secret project can get a waiver from the National Security Council which permits them to lie in their SEC disclosure. So, for example, yknow, we were coming into sequester, and all sorts of headlines, yknow, were gonna cut the defense budget, were gonna cut contracts, if you look at the stocks of the defense contractors, theyre going up, up up up. No problem. Now, my question is, did we take that $40 trillion, put it in an endowment, and its spinning off new contracts to them every day?
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:15:26 +0000

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