BOOK REVIEW The Abduction of Rupert DeVille. By Anura Pali - TopicsExpress


BOOK REVIEW The Abduction of Rupert DeVille. By Anura Pali Sometimes writing a review is fairly straightforward, one just comments on the plot, and says whether you liked it or not, highlighting the odd phrase or sentence that caught one’s eye, simple! But every now and then a book comes along which presents itself in such a manner that it defies the critic from using this ‘simple’ technique. The Abduction of Rupert Deville is one such book. On the surface it is about the crime of abduction, as is clear in the title, along with the aspect of suspense and the thrill of not knowing why, or who, has taken Rupert. So far so good, and pretty much standard for a book of that genre. However, the instant you begin to read you realise that this book is coming at you from a totally unexpected direction. Not only does the narration instantly draw you into Rupert’s world, but the characters become alive, living people, real people. This alone is wonderful, yet there is much more. Entwined within are a number of back stories revealing each of the characters pasts. These sit seamlessly in with the main plot. Cleverly woven into the narration throughout are the thoughts of Rupert, Carla and of the other main characters. These introverted insights allow the reader to understand the worries, the fears, the hopes, anguish, wishes and dreams of all concerned. The Abduction of Rupert DeVille is so much more than a thriller, and far more than a suspense novel. It is a romance story, a spy book, a satirical journal and humorous comedy. It asks the reader questions about our humanity and our place in the social context of our own lives. But above all it is a bloody good read; truly the type of book, and I know this is an over-used cliché, you will not want to put down. If you hold any preconceived ideas about The Abduction of Rupert DeVille, dismiss them now. This is unlike any book you have read recently. Five Stars from me. Enjoy the read, Anura The Abduction is Available worldwide in both Paperback and eBook/Kindle formats.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:50:04 +0000

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